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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 19, 2008 2:06 am

my favorite director would be Chris Colombus... 1 and 2 are my favorites.
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:28 am

by: ChibiKyt

He just looked... the same as he does on screen! Tall, scruffy longish ginger hair, you know the look! Except he was in his normal clothes, and with his family lol. I was also probably about 20ft away 'cause he was in the supermarket while I was past the cashier at this point haha.
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:29 am

by: skidmarks

Geezz... I'm prolly the only one who hasn't seen OotP yet Couldn't make it this past weekend coz my bestfriend was busy and I promised to go with her. She's more a fan of the books and hasn't even watched CoS and PoA (the movies). But I'm determined to drag her to this one! Even if I have to wait till next week! Lol.

That being said, out of all the 4 movies prior to OotP, I liked PoA the best.
GoF was my least fave. My main problem with it is, while it looked nice, the pace suffered. It felt like they were forcing too much down our throats like every 10 minutes. Just watch the first 30 minutes. Besides that, DD went OOC and Hermione overeacted at the ball ("Go to bed, both of you!!" *cries* ). Meh. The book remains my fave, though.

@ B.R.R.:
I already saw some pirated OotP since last Friday! LOL. Definitely LQ, I think. Hey, where're you getting the HQ version from?? I found a torrent file last friday too. But I won't be tempted!

@ beretonmyhead:
That's so cool! But I think I'd be too shy to approach any of the cast members if I ever saw them myself too.
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:29 am

i understand why some book fans refuse to watch the movies. for them, the movies don't do the books justice.

agree; DD in Goblet was way OOC. no way DD would go bonkers like that.... and the "go to bed..." line from Hermione was unnecessary. like i said before, scenes in Goblet were wasted on insignificant things like the dragon chase (too long here) and the underwater task. these scenes were waaayy cool but insignificant to development of the plot and characters... the movie became more like "Harry Potter and The Triwizard Tournament".... they definitely missed many important points like... -why Harry's and Voldermort's wand cancel each other, or the dilemma of Barty Crouch Sr. vs Jr., or the discovery that Snape was a death eater turned spy......
no way for people who haven't read the book would understand thoroughly what's going on.

Goblet is my favorite book too....

in OOtP, they should develop Snape's character more. make him more suspicious looking and intentionally cruel... instead of having him whacking students on the head. LAME!... for a guy who was supposed to a kill the only wizard Voldermort ever feared....

speaking of pirated DVD,

well i didn't get any of OOtP DVD (LQ or HQ) yet, but i think the HQ ones are bound to be in the market soon. just wait. yesterday, i saw (on a shop's TV monitor) one VERY GOOD version of Fantastic 4, you won't believe that it's pirated.
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:30 am

by: fi0naLee

thanks, admin-sama! i will definitely tell my sister about this. she'll be so jealous of you, i'm sure! lol.

i don't really have any favorites among the movies. i mean, i like them and have fun watching them but nothing beats the books for me. lol. i know, i'm weird. lol. i have to agree with both skidz and B.R.R. though. seeing dumbledore act paranoid in the GOF movie was so strange. he didn't seem like the character that J.K. created..that scene was poorly interpreted in the movie.

@ saturn
have you watched the movie again? by any chance, were you with your crush this time?

@ B.R.R. and skidz
if i was back home, i probably have a pirated dvd of OOTP by now. lol. it'll always be nice to see the movie in a big screen but just in case i want to see it again at home, a pirated version (way cheaper too, lol) will be my best option. lol.
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The Queen's Attendant
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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:31 am

by: Avatar

Hey guys, I watched the movie yesterday again it was awesome like the first time I really can't wait for HBP now, thank godness david will be back for this one.

So the book is this freaking saturday out, I won't come online till finish it because I heard that spoilers were already out, so I don't wanna risk anything

@fi0naLee: Hah so cute from you asking I didnt watch the movie with him but we met afterwards and had some dinner*hihihi* It was very sweet

so guys take care be back after finishing DH and BTW I won't spoil anyone who didn't read the books yet just let you know that I'm back

Take care everyone *hugs & Kisses*
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The Queen's Attendant
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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:31 am

WOW!!! Saturn ...... i guess stalking the movie theater finally paid of .... wow... dinner right away. i'm grinning like mad now... ahh!! young love....

and fi0naLee... so true. NOTHING BEATS THE BOOKS!!**bow**

for DH... he....he....he..... i'll DEFINITELY be online on saturday. not to spoil you people, but to tell you what chapter i'm on. don't worry... i won't go ..."OMG!!! Hermione kisses Krum" or something.... so here it's 7.01 a.m on Saturday.... can't wait...
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The Queen's Attendant
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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:32 am

by: Avatar

Yupp I will also 100% be online after finishing depens on how my mood will be and how tired I will be LOL

Oh yeah I'm really happy *sigh* we had a good time and he's as sweet as I thought, thank you
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:33 am

so Saturn, we'll read together Saturday?

hmmm.....sweet guy.... definitely Neville Longbottom ha...ha...ha... (please don't hit me ... i'm just teasing...because Harry is not sweet, Ron (i don't want him for a boyfriend...ever!), Draco is ..ehem.. a death eater... and Snape is MINE!!)

anyone else want to join? i'll be reading on my bed... only my husband will be allowed in the room... no children... i won't cook anything saturday... and i'll have my internet connected to LSS... a group date online...

**(a Harry Potter orgy ....) .... and who says reading is not ..ehem.. **orgasmic?**
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:33 am

by: Avatar

Yes we will read it together My name is Alina btw
I will get my book in the morning hopefully if they don't mess up, I would love to get it on midnight but too risky, so I just sleep till my mum wakes me up and bring me the book, oh man I so cant wait anymore, all these theories and specualtions and spoilers are driving me mad!!

And Ron /Rupert is MINE everybody I already changed my name in Mrs. Rupert Grint okay not Ron weasley because He and hermione are meant to be.

Oh my sister loves snape too, she cracked up at the part where he had his class and Umbridge was kinda making fun of him and he was like "YES... " " obviously..." that was so funny

*wooot* 4 days *wooooooot*
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:34 am

and my name is bella... or 'nee-chan' .. as some people would call me.. nice to meet you.

tell you sister that NO WAY (in general) the real Severus Snape is likeable (crooked yellow teeth, hooked nose, greasy hair...)...

.....but i'll do ANYTHING to have Alan Rickman read the whole Harry Potter Series, or the DH, or the Severus Snape parts of the books to me...ARRGGHH... what a voice .... dies....

so now you're officially Mrs. ALINA GRINT... (do you know that you can change your username in the profile section... well for the time being, temporarily, that is.....)
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:34 am

by: Avatar

I can realy change my name ?? awesome I will try out later Thanks nee chan

Oh man I'm reading everywhere "SPOILERS DONT READ" etc, those people are SICK they could never have book spoilers and some people do actually believe them, well there was one who posted a picture from the epilogue I saw that pic but didn't read the epilouge, it has to be fake anyway.

and yeah that voice is incridible but scary at the same time! LOL he is perfect for beign snape

btw will you also get your book in the morning or during the day??
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:35 am

by: Avatar

Ahh just changed my name, the one what I use at all the other forums, much better

okay back on topic, SATURDAY!!!

Btw will you guys dress up or do anything special on the day or just get the book and stay at home alone??
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:36 am

i'm too old for dress ups ....... i wanted to, but i can't... so i just pretend i dress up as a muggle.

so saturn turned avatar?

i'll get the book as soon as the shop opens. here it'll be at 7.01 a.m saturday sharp.
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:36 am

by: skidmarks

*nods* Agrees that
- Alan Rickman has a sexy voice!
- the books are always better.

If all goes well I'll have my book before noon on the 21st. I've already made an announcement to my family during dinner last night that I will be "temporarily unavailable" this weekend. When I said I wasn't going anywhere near the PC starting friday night, my brother gave me that "yeah, right" look. LOL. Yeah, I'm afraid I don't trust myself either... but maybe I'll make an exception with LSS. Since this isn't really a HP-centric forum. Hehe.

I'll be out of town next Wed (and the rest of the week), so I prolly won't be able to join in the dicussion so much Hopefully I'll be done with the book by Monday (yeah, I realized that I'm a pretty slow reader when it comes to HP, coz my imagination tends to wander off and I keep re-reading sentences...).

Anyway, I heard there's even a community in LJ that's dedicated to DH spoilers and they claim they have scans of some parts of the book already. Haha... geez. Dunno if it's genuine, but I'm definitely not gonna go there to find out if it is or isn't anyway.

Ooh, good idea, nee-chan. We'll dress up as muggles Haha!

Btw, Alina (a.k.a. saturn/avatar ), lucky you! You bagged dinner and a sweetie! Good luck, girl!
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:37 am

Alan Rickman's sexy voice is due to "a speech defect and an unusual tightness of his jaw," according to wikipedia, "giving him his unique voice and line delivery."
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The Queen's Attendant
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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:38 am

by: Avatar

okay guys I won't come online till next week or sunday depens on when I'm done, real spoilers are out and I don't wanna risk anything

see ya guys *hugs*
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:38 am

some people just looooove to spoil the fun... sheesh.... the internet is not a good place for HP fans anymore..

(does NOT contain spoiler )

Scholastic has recently learned that some individuals have received copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows through the mail , beginning on Tuesday, July 17th, as a result of a breach of the on-sale agreement by the distributor, Levy Home Entertainment, and shipments made by, a customer of that distributor. We are taking immediate legal action against and Levy Home Entertainment. The number of copies shipped is around one one-hundredth of one percent of the total U.S. copies to go on sale at 12:01 am on July 21st.

We are also making a direct appeal to the Harry Potter fans who bought their books from and may receive copies early requesting that they keep the packages hidden until midnight on July 21st.

Scholastic is especially grateful to the other retailers and distributors for their careful attention to keeping the books secure until the release time and for planning thousands of spectacular midnight parties where fans will celebrate together. And we ask everyone, especially the media, to preserve the fun and excitement for fans everywhere.

The fans themselves have made it abundantly clear that they are looking forward to going to the midnight parties, receiving their very own copy of the book and finally getting to read the book they have so anxiously awaited.

couldn't these people wait?
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:39 am

so now you people know where NOT to look.

considering the actions taken by Scholastic towards those distributors, it's pretty positive that the leak is real. if not, why bother?

two more days.......two more days....
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:39 am


Today I read an article in the paper that these fans from Belgium (like a whole group of them) who came to Waterstones (i.e. this big bookshop in London) to queue for the book. They were only 60 hours too early LOL.
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:40 am

it was nothing....

there is this one fan who has been camping outside a bookstore for the past two weeks. the parents have to come and give her food and everything....
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:41 am

by: Avatar

Just a quick stop:

TOMORROW!! *faints*

I already bought many many snacks and stuff to エjust stay in my bed all day long


see ya guys AFTER DH!!!
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:42 am

by: skidmarks


TOMORROW!! I'm so excited!

I'll post when I get my copy. Before I completely lose myself in it.
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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All About Harry.... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:43 am

by: ChibiKyt

Ha... I can't believe her parents would even let her!

There are more crazy stories in the newspaper (and featured on the news too!)... today there were like 3 pages worth of articles about the Harry Potter parties people are having, the big one at Waterstones (along with the people who have been queuing for days now- and today there was a torrential downpour aswell!), JK Rowling and her rise, a picture of Daniel Radcliffe with this package which people say had the book (a day early- oh the cheek haha!) and just sooo much more stuff I can't even remember!

One supermarket is selling the first 15,000 copies of the book for 」5 (which roughly US$10... ok it doesn't sound that cheap, but if you know the UK- which is really expensive- that is REALLY cheap... the RRP is 」18.99! 」5 is usually the price of a normal paperback, not the huge hardback that is Harry Potter!) and it's said that by selling it at this price, they aren't even going to make a profit LOL. Some shops are doing a whole spend so much and get the book for a discounted price.

But one of the strangest articles I read was about a child's help hotline over here called 'childline' employing extra people. Just in case Harry or somebody else is killed off, they expect a lot of calls from upset, angry and afraid kids. I feel bad laughing... but at the end of the day, it is a book lol!

Here's an article giving you live up-to-date info on the queue/'party' going on at Waterstones:

Last edited by BRR on Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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PostSubject: Re: All About Harry....   All About Harry.... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 1:45 am

LOL.. it's a book with an impact. in case you can't deal with some characters' death...let the experts do it for you..

about the girl who camps outside the bookstore, i really admire the parents. so supportive of their daughter. they even relieve her, you know, when she has to go to the loo and such....

and at the last minute, three malaysian bookstores pull out DH from their shelves. pricing issues.... they are protesting againts stores selling at a lower price. RM 109.90 vs RM 69.90 -- a huge difference. i don't care, i just want the book... i'm glad i didn't pre-order from such stores...

so .... about 3 more hours... and i can't sleep.
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