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 Hi there! For the second time!

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Hi there! For the second time! Empty
PostSubject: Hi there! For the second time!   Hi there! For the second time! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2012 8:07 am

For the years I have been here, looking and hoping for the best future for our beloved couple. Praying hard since 2007, when the lovebirds tell us something that could be more than friendship. Their magic chemistry recalls us something that was never seen in any dramas made ever. Of course we are talking about the dearest Maotsujun.

A brazilian fan that is hoping yet! After all, the hope is the last to be missed.

Oh yeah, let me present myself to you: my name is Nicholas, love to watch any dramas from Japan and Korea. An avid HYD fan. I love japanimation too. I'm sure that we can exchange precious information about our beloved couple! I want to see more Maotsujun this year!
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Posts : 1815
Join date : 2010-12-07
Location : Mangere, Auckland, New Zealand

Hi there! For the second time! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi there! For the second time!   Hi there! For the second time! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2012 9:26 am

Hi there! For the second time! 156459800well hi there Nicholas for the second time.

Your username pretty funny I like. Anyway I agree with you there on their chemistry!! Tell us another OTP that is exactly like these two. So enjoy your time have fun and see you around the forum.
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Hi there! For the second time! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi there! For the second time!   Hi there! For the second time! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2012 11:02 am

Hi crsma2!

The nickname is because the 80`s band WHAM! which features George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley. They made such success on that decade...

My previous account was deleted, and I disapeared for some months... a lot of things happened. Let`s see the whereabouts of Jun and Mao worlds!
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Hi there! For the second time! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi there! For the second time!   Hi there! For the second time! Icon_minitime

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Hi there! For the second time!
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