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 DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)

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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 6:51 pm

by: Kytana

Ok... because I have a bit of a hangover right now and I'm work, I'm gonna be funny. I'm making this thread for people who want to share drunk stories because most of us have probably done the craziest things when drunk... LOL I'll start off the thread in a bit for it cause I'm trying to focus on the computer screen. LMAO
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 6:52 pm

by: beretonmyhead

on Mar 29th, 2007, 11:06am, Kytana wrote:Ok... because I have a bit of a hangover right now and I'm work, I'm gonna be funny. I'm making this thread for people who want to share drunk stories because most of us have probably done the craziest things when drunk... LOL I'll start off the thread in a bit for it cause I'm trying to focus on the computer screen. LMAO

Haha... well despite living in a country full of alcoholics and whose favourite past-time is binge-drinking, I have never been drunk before (tipsy yes, but not off-my-face-wasted). Why you ask? I am 18 afterall, past the legal age of drinking (18 in England)... but I know I would become the worst drunk ever. I'd either be super hyper and happy and start telling everybodys' secrets, or become a miserable crying mess and start revealing my own secrets LOL.
So instead I'll share stories of my friends, sorta-friends, and acquaintances.

One sorta-friend was so wasted at sophmore prom (yea I know you guys don't have proms in sophmore year but it's different here lol... and I know, we were 16... but we told them we were seniors and so got served alcohol LOL) that when my friend offered her a balloon she went completely mental, flipping out and saying "I'm not accepting it! No way! You've spiked it and you're trying to .r.a.p.e. me!" And just continued that for the next 10 minutes.
I've heard many stories of her just bursting into tears and becoming v. emotional at dances (yes, we drink at our dances too- I told you this country is full of alcoholics ) and my most recent memory was at christmas... she was shouting loudly going "Ahhhhh~ I've lost my shoeee! Where is my shoeee?!" And so I went over to her boyfriend and said... "Oi! Where's your girlfriend's shoe?" and he pointed to the floor- she had just given it to him to 'look after'. So I told her, and then she just sat on her boyfriend's lap and thanked him over and over again and then I turned away before things got too heated up for my pretty little innocent eyes hehe.

I still have more LOL. My friend was also wasted at this prom, so wasted she threw up.. not just the alcohol but all the sick aswell v. gross. Anyway, I was urging her to go tell the bar staff so they would clean it up, but she wouldn't listen... and then people started to walk in it! This one girl had this really long dress on and I was screaming at her not to walk into the sick... I had to go off, so I urged my friend again to tell the bar staff... she never did, but by the end of the night all the sick had gone think... there were many long dresses that night, some might have been covered in that sick

At my birthday my other friend became drunk very quickly as she had had nothing to eat... we were out in the garden when she knocked over one of my mum's plants, and then brought a trail of mud into the house with her!!!

Of course I have a million and one other stories involving getting off drunkenly with guys/girls and then realising the next day what a big fat mistake it was.

To be continued... I'm sure there's much much more, if I just think a little
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 6:53 pm

by: Kytana

hhhmm... i'm trying to remember some of the crazy stories i had actually...

1) last night, (i hadn't drank in like 3 months) i drank like 3 drinks and i was already drunk. LOL as i'm walking w/ my best girl friend (who was in town for the week from san diego), we were acting like we were in relationship in the mall.... yes, we made out. lol my fiancee and other guy friends missed that. hehe we get to the bowling alley and drink some more (this made me better at bowling.. lol). she's making out w/ my roommate out of nowhere and we're all like, 'holy crap'. i came home, having a headache and now w/ a lil hangover. bleh.

2) i love the stage when i'm drunk. i was at this pub and it was karoake night. i had a lot of drinks that night and i sang very well. as i got off the stage, i fell on my ass, laughing my ass off and didn't care that people were laughing w/ me. i got home, realizing i made a fool of myself in public but didn't care after a while.

3) uh... rated M... slept w/ some guy i didn't know cause i met him on myspace. (my fiancee basically didn't want to talk to me anymore at the time... lots of stuff happened..) he was horrible! ugh.... HORRIBLE! LOL

that's all i can think about so far... hehe
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 6:54 pm

by: beretonmyhead

on Mar 29th, 2007, 12:35pm, Kytana wrote:hhhmm... i'm trying to remember some of the crazy stories i had actually...

1) last night, (i hadn't drank in like 3 months) i drank like 3 drinks and i was already drunk. LOL as i'm walking w/ my best girl friend (who was in town for the week from san diego), we were acting like we were in relationship in the mall.... yes, we made out. lol my fiancee and other guy friends missed that. hehe we get to the bowling alley and drink some more (this made me better at bowling.. lol). she's making out w/ my roommate out of nowhere and we're all like, 'holy crap'. i came home, having a headache and now w/ a lil hangover. bleh.

2) i love the stage when i'm drunk. i was at this pub and it was karoake night. i had a lot of drinks that night and i sang very well. as i got off the stage, i fell on I disagree, laughing I disagree off and didn't care that people were laughing w/ me. i got home, realizing i made a fool of myself in public but didn't care after a while.

3) uh... rated M... slept w/ some guy i didn't know cause i met him on myspace. (my fiancee basically didn't want to talk to me anymore at the time... lots of stuff happened..) he was horrible! ugh.... HORRIBLE! LOL

that's all i can think about so far... hehe

See, a drunken me would do something worse than that LOL... I have many many many bad thoughts, and I know that being drunk they'd all suddenly become a reality

Haha~ making a fool of oneself in public is an obligation if drunk !

When I went out a few weeks ago I had to restrain myself from drinking more... when I was dancing I thought I was fine, but then as I walked to the toilet I could tell it wasn't in a straight line LOL so I was near borderline drunk I guess... and my friend's friend was like 'are you ok?!'. And I know if I'd had that extra drink I would have been all over a guy who was in the group and dancing with us all night (in a friendly way, not grinding or anything lol) and boy, would that have been an awkward thing to face up to in the morning (I mean the explanations of being all over him, not waking up with him in my bed or anything lol I was crashing on my friend's floor and he was crashing on someone else's floor too... so that would have been kinda impossible... unless we did it in an alley or something) Ok I'll stop going on about that now hahaha~
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 6:55 pm

by: Aliyah

Lol,that's why I've never drink,and I'm never going to do it !!
Nice thread ,thanks for sharing your experiences

Don't you think that drinking makes you vulnerable?
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 6:57 pm

by: beretonmyhead

on Mar 29th, 2007, 2:55pm, Aliyah wrote:Lol,that's why I've never drink,and I'm never going to do it !!
Nice thread ,thanks for sharing your experiences

Don't you think that drinking makes you vulnerable?

That's my exact reason for not drinking *too* much...

Wait... Aliyah, aren't you from France, or am I thinking of somebody else?! *Checks welcome subforum...* Yes, you are! And you don't drink?! You must have alot of willpower lol... or do you not drink due to religious reasons?
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 6:58 pm

by: Kytana

on Mar 29th, 2007, 2:55pm, Aliyah wrote:Lol,that's why I've never drink,and I'm never going to do it !!
Nice thread ,thanks for sharing your experiences

Don't you think that drinking makes you vulnerable?

well... it depends. i'm a very giggly, happy drunk but i'm not vulnerable much because my senses are still sharp. i tend to be the same person who's just super red when drunk. i'm just super tired and get cranky when i get sober which is bad. half of my family are drunks and i started drinking at the age of 13. lol so.. yeah.. i have history.

for me, i don't drink often and it's expensive but it's fun here and there. it's not good for depression just to let everyone know.
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 6:58 pm

by: beretonmyhead

on Mar 29th, 2007, 3:35pm, Kytana wrote:well... it depends. i'm a very giggly, happy drunk but i'm not vulnerable much because my senses are still sharp. i tend to be the same person who's just super red when drunk. i'm just super tired and get cranky when i get sober which is bad. half of my family are drunks and i started drinking at the age of 13. lol so.. yeah.. i have history.

for me, i don't drink often and it's expensive but it's fun here and there. it's not good for depression just to let everyone know.

Price is often a factor isn't it?
My friends invited me to the pub tonight, but I didn't go because work made me amazingly tired and I am considering going to bed early (for once haha!) and I want to save my money for other things... this pub seemed expensive. Having said that, some towns/cities in England are known to be 'student places' so they have such cheap booze (not my area though, even though it is a student area )! Student unions and clubs tend to have cheap drinks too. It's only when you venture outside to normal clubs and bars you think... "WHAT! 」7 for this?!"
I get red too I heard asians get red easier hehe... for me, it's just the fact that the atmosphere is so hot... nothing to do with the asian side
Plus drink makes me pee like a race horse haha!
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 6:59 pm

by: Kytana

on Mar 29th, 2007, 3:48pm, beretonmyhead wrote:Price is often a factor isn't it?
My friends invited me to the pub tonight, but I didn't go because work made me amazingly tired and I am considering going to bed early (for once haha!) and I want to save my money for other things... this pub seemed expensive. Having said that, some towns/cities in England are known to be 'student places' so they have such cheap booze (not my area though, even though it is a student area )! Student unions and clubs tend to have cheap drinks too. It's only when you venture outside to normal clubs and bars you think... "WHAT! 」7 for this?!"
I get red too I heard asians get red easier hehe... for me, it's just the fact that the atmosphere is so hot... nothing to do with the asian side
Plus drink makes me pee like a race horse haha!

yeah.... most of the time, i just stay sober when i go to places because i'm one of the rare people that has fun sober than drunk. LOL well... in my group of friends anyways.. hehe.

i know what ur talking about cause here in the area i live in, there's random bars and things like that. i used to go them cause either people knew me or it was easy to get free drinks. hehe i normally don't pay when going drinking actually which is sometimes a plus for my wallet. like i said before, i still like being sober cause i still do things normally w/o the effects of alcohol.

for me, it's a combination of both. i used to never get red but currently, i do which is probably more of the asian in me. lol my g/f looks like an anime character that's drunk cause she's got the red blush like a raccoon which is like the anime characters.

i agree with bathroom as well... my stomach is like urgh when i drink. since i can't seem to have soda anymore, i think alcohol is next. i only drink water, tea and juice most of the time. so i think my body is cleansing itself VERY slowly... lol
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:00 pm

by: fi0naLee

haha, i just saw this topic. lol. nice one, kytana! lol.

okay, i've been drunk lots of times. lol. i haven't gotten wasted for more than a year though. it's been a long time since i had alcohol. i'm in utah and yeah, not a lot of people do that here. lol. i miss my crazy friends back home. i suspect that by april though, i'll most likely experience the joy and pain of having a hangover again. lol.

my drunken stories... i think i already told kytana this. i got so drunk one time and told an ex-boyfriend that i needed him in front of everyone else who was there at our overnight stay at a beach resort. lol. we already broke up when that happened. he was my first love and for some reason, i couldn't forget him yet at that time. i never had an idea that i said what i said until the morning after. i was endlessly teased by my friends and his. so embarassing really. we're still friends now. he has found his love and i've found mine. oh, there was also this time when we were drinking at my best friend's place and i got so drunk that i couldn't get up. i crawled on the floor to the bed. lol. another one is when me and a few close college buddies decided not to attend a class and instead went somewhere to drink. lol, because we were so drunk, we slept at the table for almost 3 hours! lol.
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:02 pm

by: Aliyah

on Mar 29th, 2007, 3:03pm, beretonmyhead wrote:That's my exact reason for not drinking *too* much...

Wait... Aliyah, aren't you from France, or am I thinking of somebody else?! *Checks welcome subforum...* Yes, you are! And you don't drink?! You must have alot of willpower lol... or do you not drink due to religious reasons?

Lol you got that right!I'm from France,I don't drink due to religious reasons.But that's not the main reason,I'm against alcohol and drugs..I've never ever taste it.
I'm more of a chocolate addictive!

@Kytana,by vulnerable I mean you do things that you'll never do if you were not drunk!!
I think the smell is the worst thing

Anyway it's fun to read your stories!
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:04 pm

by: Kytana

on Mar 30th, 2007, 08:01am, Aliyah wrote:Lol you got that right!I'm from France,I don't drink due to religious reasons.But that's not the main reason,I'm against alcohol and drugs..I've never ever taste it.
I'm more of a chocolate addictive!

@Kytana,by vulnerable I mean you do things that you'll never do if you were not drunk!!
I think the smell is the worst thing

Anyway it's fun to read your stories!

i agree... chocolate is better. *giggles* i've been steering away towards alcohol lately but it's fun here and there. i will never get sick of chocolate.... sweet stuff! hehe

i understood what you were saying after i wrote my comment! lol gomen! yeah... alcohol gets rid of inhibitions and just lets you free. it's fun till something insane happens. lol
god yes... the smell is horrible! urgh... that's y i drink fruity drinks when i drink cause i can't drink straight shots of liquor. i can't believe how people do that... well, i did when i first started drinking! lol now, i realized it's ugh... i want sweet drinks.
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:05 pm

by: Aliyah

on Mar 30th, 2007, 08:43am, Kytana wrote:i agree... chocolate is better. *giggles* i've been steering away towards alcohol lately but it's fun here and there. i will never get sick of chocolate.... sweet stuff! hehe

i understood what you were saying after i wrote my comment! lol gomen! yeah... alcohol gets rid of inhibitions and just lets you free. it's fun till something insane happens. lol
god yes... the smell is horrible! urgh... that's y i drink fruity drinks when i drink cause i can't drink straight shots of liquor. i can't believe how people do that... well, i did when i first started drinking! lol now, i realized it's ugh... i want sweet drinks.

*hug*What are you apologizing for?
About the smell,once a person opened bottle of alcohol in front of me and it really smell bad!Or when in the street a drunk person pass near you ,they really smell too!Apart from that I don't know a thing about alcohol/wine Just what I see on tv .I don't have anyone in my friends and family who drinks.
That's why I said it's fun to read your stories
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:06 pm

by: Kytana

*hugs back* ^_^

ugh.. yeah.. stinky. stinky poor people drinking.. not a good combination.

that's good for u cause EVERYONE i know drinks! lol i guess it's pressure in a way, but i'm steering more towards tea and water anyways... so, i like being sober cause i get to laugh at everyone else! hehe

that's y i like hearing about people's drunk stories too cause i tell myself i will never do that if i get drunk.

i just remember a couple more stories now actually! lol

1) when i was 15, i slept over at g/f's house and her parents were out of town. her parents' were cool w/ us drinking at the time cause s long as we didn't go out, we're fine. so, i got super drunk that night (since i was still young) and i danced on a table. i almost fell off since i was so tipsy! i'm glad that my g/fs were there because they helped me down after almost slipping. hehe

2) when i had my old apartment, people used to come over to play video games & such. there was one night where we all were playing strip taiko drum master for the ps2. we were all drunk first.... then, we play the game. when playing 2 player, if you beat the person by getting more notes, then she/he had to take off a piece article off (this included glasses or so). i lost a lot... i was down to my underwear, but giggling. i have no coordination on playing taiko drum master drunk whatsoever. lol

3) i took my 'hot' roommate out to a club for the first time in december 2006. lol. a lot of girls like him cause he's really hot and cool. anyways, my fiancee was the designated driver and we took out two other friends. my g/f was already drunk cause she had 2 shots of tequila before we got to the club. i had like 3 mixed drinks, g/f had 2 long islands, and my roommate had like 7 mixed drinks. her b/f (who's our friend as well) and my fiancee thought it was funny. by the end of the night, my g/f got kicked out of the club for being really sick, my roommate was seriously drunk to a point where my fiancee and i had to carry him, and my fiancee had no sense of direction to where the car was parked cause he was tired. what happened to me? i actually was drunk but had a good sense of direction, carrying my roommate to the car, and not throwing up. so, i was all good and i slept fine, not having a hangover the next day. lol
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:08 pm

by: Aliyah

1) 15 !Oh my ,was this the first time you got drunk?
2)lol no comment
3) Bravo!It's great to know that you are a very responsible drunk

Thanks for sharing your stories
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:10 pm

by: Kytana

on Mar 31st, 2007, 02:08am, Aliyah wrote:1) 15 !Oh my ,was this the first time you got drunk?
2)lol no comment
3) Bravo!It's great to know that you are a very responsible drunk

Thanks for sharing your stories

1) hehe.. yup yup! yeah... cause normally i was okay when i drank w/ my dad. lol then i just got pretty bad the sleepover but i still didn't throw up. yatta! lol
2) i don't think anyone would comment. it's just fun... i'm glad i'm not embarrassed about it. it's friends i trust.. hehe
3) yes yes.... i don't mind being drunk but i will be responsible and not be DD of course. still, i can get people out of a club w/ no problems.

not a problem! it's not bad to drink... it's just don't overdue it cause things happen. lol
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:10 pm

by: fi0naLee

lol. funny stories, kytana. lol.

about drinking, it's not good to take alcohol at all. i don't encourage it . well, especially for minors. it's just fun to break free and get crazy with friends at times. lol. my advice to youngsters is - drink moderately or don't drink at all. oh yeah, the smell and after-effects is never fun. lol.
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:11 pm

by: beretonmyhead

on Apr 1st, 2007, 5:29pm, fi0naLee wrote:lol. funny stories, kytana. lol.

about drinking, it's not good to take alcohol at all. i don't encourage it . well, especially for minors. it's just fun to break free and get crazy with friends at times. lol. my advice to youngsters is - drink moderately or don't drink at all. oh yeah, the smell and after-effects is never fun. lol.

So true Although I'm of legal age now, I know not to drink too much, it's not fun to be outta control of your own body and not being able to control your actions properly (I imagine).

Having said that, consult me on friday and ask me if I have a hangover or any interesting stories haha~
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:12 pm

by: Kytana

hehe.. of course! i wouldn't want anyone to be like me! lol don't drink at a young age and of course, don't let pressure get the best of you. hehe
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:12 pm

by: Aliyah

Besides the bad side of alcohol,getting drunk seems like a fun thing that I'm never going to do ...
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:13 pm

by: Kytana

on Apr 2nd, 2007, 1:47pm, Aliyah wrote:Besides the bad side of alcohol,getting drunk seems like a fun thing that I'm never going to do ...

dude, if you have fun sober, have fun sober! lol i do all the time cause i like laughing at everybody! hehe
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The Queen's Attendant
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:14 pm

by: fi0naLee

lol, it's fun being sober and drunk! lol. i got the best of both worlds i guess. lol. this doesn't mean i'm an alcoholic okay? lol. i've actually gone through some peer pressure before but overcame it with a bang. lol. i rediscovered myself and remained me.

drinking is a choice really. we all have to make choices along the way, just have to make sure we've made the right ones... i've already made my choice (drink occasionally or take what i can only handle).... although i have to say that there are times when i look back and say - "i've done so many crazy things when i got drunk". lol. you know what though? i've learned from past mistakes so i don't regret any of them.

this is what i tell my sister - drink moderately or don't drink at all. lol.
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:15 pm

by: ladynee

haha i remember my first time drinking...i wasn't drunk but i was buzzed. my sister got drunk. we were playing a game at a "off to college party" they had like hard liquor but i'm not a drinker so i tried really hard not to lose any rounds. i took a few shots of vodka and stuff..i didn't like it. i was trying to have fun so they mad me dance because I'm a dancer and not many ppl know so they wanted to see me dance. i got tired and just fell asleep. i have never been so drunk i'd fall over and throw up. or go crazy...maybe when i turn 21.
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:15 pm

by: Kytana

wow... off to college party? LOL i haven't experienced anything like that. just get together w/ friends and relatives.. then boogey! hehe i'm not a dancer but because i love to just dance around, i can hit it up on the dance floor.

in ways, i miss drinking but i really don't. i'm glad i don't drink (well, never cause of school and work and writing.. hehe) anymore. it's something i've given up just because it's expensive and i'm really liking drinks that don't taste bitter. bleh! lol
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 7:16 pm

by: Trice

I don't even remember the age I had when I drunk for the first time. (I have a pic when I'm 4 or so with a huge glass beer in my hand LOL!)

I'm clumsy, alcohol makes me more clumsy: I fell off stairs (without any damages. My butt hurted like hell. That was it xD), I fell off a chair.
I'm mostly debating and have convos about life and politics with men when I'm drunk. (oh my, I'm such a boring person).
Once I drunk 7 beers in an hour or so (they were free XD) and I started to hug people I worked with (they were kind of surprised, I'm not the hug-type person). I randomly started to talk to people and hugged them too (three guys whom names began with a J..I called them the J3 xD).
I had once bad alcohol and was completely depressed.
After that I thought I would never drink again. One month later I was on a party and drunk twice the amount I had before. I had a debate about school of life versus university. The guy said:"You would be a good lawyer. But you would never be a diplomat" LOL!
But however at the end he really worked on my nerves. He drunk so little and he was considering my as his GF.
I showed him the way out. LOL! xD

I kind of stay correct when I'm drunk.I only talk more than usual. I don't think I would be able to drink that much now and still act so sober.

Oh wait, I once pushed a guy violently against the bar because he pissed me off...*thinks* ah no, I wasn't drunk. xD
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PostSubject: Re: DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion)   DRUNK STORIES (18 & older - Read at discretion) Icon_minitime

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