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 A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~

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A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Empty
PostSubject: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 12:26 am

Anyeong ha se yo!
Thank you Admin-sama for the idea of sharing my Korea trip experience here in LSS~

It’s a great honor to be able to share my fun times with the LSS family~
2 weeks is quite a long trip… so I’ll share them in parts ok?

So here goes, get ready for my rambling on my Korea trip~
Hope you gals enjoy reading it and get inspired to visit Korea too!

Part1: Intro
Arriving @ the land of KDRAMA

A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ S640x480
Its only 530am in the morning when we arrive, and is was quite a pleasant surprise when we was “greeted” by the gorgeous KTB F3 @ the custom clearance! There were these big & super slick Samsumg LCD’s hagging there, playing non-stop the Samsumg Haptic Pop handphones commercial. It was the cutest and utmost creative handphone ads I've seen~

Jihoo, YiJung and WooBin will just send any sleepyheads an immediate wake up call~
"Kya... So handsome!"

Hehe, but am wondering why Jun Pyo and Jandi is not in there, since in KTB, they are the ones who are using the phones in most of the scenes, right?

Here, check the ad out at the youtube~
(credits to KBIF subs)

Up next, Lolz, guess who’s on my Dunkin Donuts breakfast box?? Its Lee Min Ho yo~
A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ S640x480

Apparently he is the spoke person for Dunkin Donuts in Korea, so everywhere of Seoul with Dunkin Donuts, is all plastered with his poster! J

What an excited arrival right? Seeing all the F4 already within the first hour, truly the land of KDrama neh~

Haha, well of course on the rest of my trip, there are many others K-Idols that appear every where. But there's someone who just seem to dominate the spokes person market cause you see him everywhere, every corner with differrent brand name!
Hehe, who might that be neh? :p

So that's for intro, my first encounter in the land of KDRAMA.

Up next, will be about the beautiful places I've been, with the yummy local dishes too~


Did I bore you out? Haha.
Hope you enjoy the read so far ya~
This is just one morning of my day 1. :D
p/s: can't seem to post my pictures here... can pm me how? they are in my lappy, not hosted anywhere. thought sharing some pictures would be nice... esp my Dunkin Donut box... lolz

Last edited by hikarichan on Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 2:10 am

Yaya, a Dunkin Donute breakfast! *grins*

hikarichan wrote:
What an excited arrival right? Seeing all the F4 already within the first hour, truly the land of KDrama neh~

Definitely the land of KDrama. ^.~

hikarichan wrote:
Haha, well of course on the rest of my trip, there are many others K-Idols that appear every where. But there's someone who just seem to dominate the spokes person market cause you see him everywhere, every corner with differrent brand name!
Hehe, who might that be neh? :p

Ooooh, do tell, do tell!

Interesting trip story so far, will be looking forward to part 2!
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The Queen's Steward
The Queen's Steward

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A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 2:25 am

Hahaha hikarichan, as I can see you watched Koreans F4, too... (aren´t they hot as
If I would be in Korea I would get the Dunkin Donuts box for sure just to get my share of
Lee Min Ho *blushes for fangirling*...

Well, who could this dominating person be?? My guess would be "Rain" but I´m not sure for there
are so many famous actors and singers over please tell us!!!

Please try to put some pictures in your report..I´m really curious and looking forward for your
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The Queen's Attendant
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A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 8:03 am

I wanna read EVERYTHING about your trip too!!!!!!!!!!!

omg, that CM was so cute! *melts*

I was gonna say "rain" too... who was it?

(um, you need to upload your pics in a site like photobucket then link the images here... -_-U)
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A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 11:13 pm

@yoshi, limanh, princess_jime
Hehe, thank you minna for reading my trip report. Thanks for the comments too~ :)

Ano, i uploaded the pics to my LJ scrapbook, and link it here, well, I can see the pic when I was linking it, once I save, it just shows as a tag... :( Anyway, provided the link to my LJ scrapbook below, don't mind can view there~ :)

Dang Dang Dang!!! The dominator is --> Lee Min Ho~
Lolz... surprise?
Lee Min Ho is really everywhere,
- turn on the TV: You'll see Goo Jun Pyo and his butler with a potato chips advertisment,
- went shopping around Seoul, you see him with the ETUDE House skincare;
- went COEX Mall, you see him with GX jeans in one pillar, turn around, see him with another clothing brands in other pillars, (sorry forgot the names...)
- at the subway, you see him with all those ad's poster, esp ETUDE House, they have branches all over Seoul~

Hehe, lets stop fangirling him for time being. :p

Footprints @ Korea: True Beauty of Nature~
My first destination in Korea is the Seoraksan National Park which is at the West-side of Korea. The journey to there from Incheon airport took us about 4 hours. I know… tits long after a 6 hour flight but its totally worth it. My group were quite lucky that it was not too windy when we arrive, so we manage to take the cable car up to the mid level and hike all the way up to the top of Mount Seorak.

As its only beginning of Spring, so there are still snow around, the whole cable car ride was just so relaxing… just imagine soft music with yourself moving right in the middle of these beautiful mountains valleys… beautifully romantic isn’t it?

Next, we hike all the way up to the top, admiring the scenary and playing with the snow along the way...

The feeling when am at the top, its really priceless…
The trail up there is slippery as snow are melting,
the wind on top is strong as its so bare
but there you are on top of the world…
all your troubles just disappear…
just like they doesn’t matter anymore…
all you felt is freedom.
All you see is the endless blue sky and the deep valleys…
And you are just a small part of it…
Ah... its an experince that I'll never forget...

Lastly, we visit The Great Buddha which made us feel so at peace and serene, all of us pray for our family and health. Upon that we went to our resort hotel for the finale of the day.

Hehe… now that the mind and soul are relaxed… what ya think should be next??? Physical relaxation right? So… its HOT SPRING time!!!

Nothing beat soaking yourself in the hot springs after a day… especially after a hike to a mountain top~ All your muscles aches, shoulder pains with all the office work just healed like magic. Kimochi desu neh...
Lolz…, its R rated, so no pictures for this~

Eating @ Korea: Octopus in a pot
It’s a seafood hotpot with the famous Korean delicacies à octopus. Have heard so much of Korean enjoyed eating life octopus, but am glad that ours in not live. Would have freak out if the tentacles start sucking on my tougue. Lolz, but when the lady serve us the hotpot, she cut up the octopus before its cook, so the brains… just “splitz” out! Haha, my friend nearly abandons her meal because of that… Lolz~

In Korea, every meal comes with small dishes besides, which is all the appetizers, which is very common in Korea. Normally you'll see marinated seaweed, dried tou-fu, kimchi, dried fish, and bean sprouts; while rice are serve in silver containers with lid. J

Snack attacks!
The melon flavor ice-cream is my favorite! It’s not too sweet, superb fragrant, chewy and refreshing!!! And the best thing is, with the cold weather, it doesn’t melt. Uwah!!! Wish I can have 1 now. Singapore it just too hot for me now... :p

Spicy fish-cake anyone??? “Yummy!” They taste exceptionally good in the cold weather!

Fruits! Fruits! Fruits!
Strawberries!!! Don’t you just love them??? Haha, love it!!!
To perfect the hot spring experience, we devoured the mouth watering strawberries we bought in the day with Berry Wine and Sake… pure bliss. Lolz, and we slept like babies that night…

Phew, that's all for today minna. A long part 2, as its Monday again tml, start of work week. Will try to post another update soon ya~

For pictures, pls view them @ my LJ scrapbook :)

Enjoy ya~
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The Queen's Steward
The Queen's Steward

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A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2009 5:51 am

hikarichan wrote:

The feeling when am at the top, its really priceless…
The trail up there is slippery as snow are melting,
the wind on top is strong as its so bare
but there you are on top of the world…
all your troubles just disappear…
just like they doesn’t matter anymore…
all you felt is freedom.
All you see is the endless blue sky and the deep valleys…
And you are just a small part of it…
Ah... its an experince that I'll never forget...[/font][/font][/color][/font]

Strawberries!!! Don’t you just love them??? Haha, love it!!!
To perfect the hot spring experience, we devoured the mouth watering strawberries we bought in the day with Berry Wine and Sake… pure bliss...

Hahaha, hikarichan,
you fooled us...because you´ve already talked about Lee Min Ho I thought you meant someone else, that was a clever plan...

Your talking about your trip really reminded me of my Austria vacation two years ago...I had the exactly feelings that you were
describing when I was on top of the was be one with the nature...

Ahhh, know that Germany has alot of them, right? It was only last week that I ate some with selfmade cream
and vanilla ice-cream...because the strawberry season started right now so you can buy them everywhere...I even planted some
in my mini garden...arghh I want to eat some now but it´s nearly 11:00 pm over here...

Thanks also for the pictures, they look great...
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2009 8:31 am

My mouth started watering when I saw the strawberries. They look soooo yummy!

hikarichan wrote:

The feeling when am at the top, its really priceless…
The trail up there is slippery as snow are melting,
the wind on top is strong as its so bare
but there you are on top of the world…
all your troubles just disappear…
just like they doesn’t matter anymore…
all you felt is freedom.
All you see is the endless blue sky and the deep valleys…
And you are just a small part of it…
Ah... its an experince that I'll never forget...

That's so wonderful. A beautiful description, like a poem. ^.~

Reading your little stories made me smile and chuckle. It sounds like a really nice day that day! Can't wait to hear more~ (there is more, right?)

P.S. You should travel more often, these are really enjoyable to read.
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 12:54 am

Gotcha~ Hehehe. :)
But you got me too when you talk about strawberries with ice cream! Drools... Lolz... and you have your own mini-garden???
am already painting it as a beautiful garden in my head! What else you plant there? lots of beautiful flowers?
probably i can post some floweres picture i snapped on my trip next time... its too late now. almost 12am here.

Austria... where they film sound of music? where the von trap kids when berry picking? its beautiful even from the film itself. ah... european countries are in my list but need to save up a lot~

Thanks for the comments and encouragement girl~ (*hugs)
Am glad you enjoy the little stories and it makes me very happy that they manage to bring a smile to you. :D
Always believe that being able to share is a fortunate thing.

Of course will post on others places, food, shopping etc. There's load more. So no worries.
I'll give an update(s), hopefully by this weekend. my new assg is taking a lot of time from me now.

p/s: Hehe, i'll love to travel more if my pocket allow. Lolz
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeSat Apr 25, 2009 12:09 am

Anyeong Ha Se Yo...
Finally its TGIF!!! am dead beat... but will just do an update as promise ya~

This time, am gonna share some fun experience I have~ Enjoy :)

Experince the Culture @ Korea: Kimchi Making~
Kimchi is a daily affair in Korea. No matter its breakfast, lunch or dinner, Kimchi is always served. There are also many types of Kimchi around, not only the usual "BaiCai" type, it can be made of, Bean Sprouts, Carrots, Radish, "JiuCai" and many other types of vege by seasoning them. The seasoning is made up of 14 ingredients.

They are also classified by how long its been seasoned. For those we ate daily as a side dish, its usually, seasoned for only weeks or months. There are those seasoned for years, which is used to make Kimchi soup and they tend to be less spicy and more sour. And i tell you gals... the Kimchi Hotpot its really OISHI!!! :D
And there's this Kimchi pancake too!!! Interting eh? Too bad don't have a pic of that, cause it was so delicious that we ate if before we took a picture of it. Lolz.

Experince the Culture @ Korea: The Hanbok~
So after making Kimchi we all transform into "Koreans" by wearing the Hanboks! Lolz... Hanbok is the tranditional Korean clothes. Haha, its was so pretty! but oh my, they are so long... that i wonder how the girls walk in them last time. as we pose for pictures in the old Korean house, sitting with our palms holding with each other, climbing up and down the house platform, we nearly trip! clumsy eh... haha~

Experince the Culture @ Korea: Strawberry Picking
After a whole morning of fun, we went strawberry picking @ a nearby farm~ Hehe... yum yum~

Eating @ Korea: Korean BBQ
This is by far, my fav korean dish. The marinated pork is just so juciy, tender and mouth watering. Am craving for it ever since i come back! Gulps... Ok, the way you ate Korean BBQ is this. First u hold a piece of fresh lettuce on your palm, then you layer a piece of that BBQ pork on it, spread some "TouPanJiang" on it, next, add a spoonful of rice on it, and finally top it with a piece of Kimchi. Then you wrap it up nicely and WALA... all the different texture and fragrant just blends in your mouth... hmmm... perfect.
*** hungry.

Shopping @ Korea : Yeoju Premium Outlet
Now that we are all perk up and energized, its time for shopping!!!
Haha, since we are at Yeoju, so we head on to Yeoju Premium outlets, where you find all the factory outlets of all those branded stores, like Gucci, Burberry, Nike, CK, etc etc. So don't need me to elaborate ladies... cause I know in your countries, there are great outlets like this too. Just like Chelsea Premium Outlets in the States. So its really shop n shop. The items there are not the latest in season but really at least 40% cheaper that the market. All of us had our fair share of desired items there.

Pictures link

That's all for my update this round, not a long one, but more informative this round I guess. :)

Up next, will be about the beautiful Jeju Island. :)
So keep reading ya! Thank you!
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeSat Apr 25, 2009 12:17 am

Ah... I never liked Kimchi, but lately I've been more inclined and tolerant towards spicy, and your description of it makes it sound really yummy, so I'll give it another chance! ^_^

I also ADORE Korean BBQ. It's sooo yummmmmyyyy. I want some now too. x_x

I love your pictures~ especially the strawberries (again).

You're right, this entry of yours was more informative, but it's good to know all these things for future reference if we ever go out to eat Korean food or decide to go to Korea. ^_^

Looking forward to your next update!
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2009 1:35 am

Haha, yeah, pls do give it another try, hopefully you'll learn to like it. I added more pics on another Korean BBQ I tried, this time is the stir-fried type. Check it out~

Part 4
Footprints @ Korea: Beautiful Jeju~
Of all my iternaries in Korea, I enjoyed Jeju the most~ Firstly, the scenaries there are really beautiful, and the people there are extra warm and friendly as compared to city folks, the air there is just fresh, the whole place is not only clean but neat with lots of flowers along the way, and the food is great too!

First, we went Mysterious Road, where a car actually moves on itself in a upslope direction instead of down. Lolz... get it? Well this is what happen, we were all on our bus, so to our view, the road ahead is really going upslope, but as the drive of the car engine, instead of moving back, we are advancing ahead! This is quite a popular attraction in Jeju, so you'll see quite a few of other vehicles are doing the same thing. Its really quite an amazing sight~
There are tourist that pour water on the road, and it mysteriously flow upslope as well! Scientist have come to unravel this mystery, and its concluded as an illusion of mind, but how the illusion happen, its still unexplain~
So folks, do visit it one day and let me know if you can figure it out~ :p

So after a cracking our head on that, we went to a place that makes me feels like a kid and happy all over again~ The Teddy Bear Musuem, world largest it says~ All of them are just so adorable! Too bad they are all case up in the glass box, else am just gonna hug them so tight! And, oh, did you girls watch the KDRAMA Princess Hours (GOONG)? Well, the whole set of the bears shown in the drama is there all right, and I just love them so much! They are selling it at the souvenier shops but kinda pricy, so i bought a postcard of them... Lolz...

In Jeju, what makes is beauty is its unpolluted nature. We went to this beautiful beach - Seogwipo Beach. It has this most unique looking rock formation cause by the sea erosian... from the guide, its really one of its kind in the world. For me, its the view of endless sea and the gentle sea breeze that is enticing. Dunno about the rest, but I LOVE being by the SEA... cause your horizon just widen within the view...
Nothing but blue sea that links to the sky...

There's no boundaries
There's endless waves
There's always splashes
There's continous gentle breeze

Standing there... just make me reaffrim, in life
There's no boundaries to possibilities
There's endless happenings
There's always challenges
There's continuous support

Perhaps the city life have make my view to narrow at times, only seeing what am i working on at the point of time, forgetting that its just one small little part of life... and there's more and more to the big picture of my life... how should i color it...

So apart from this beautiful beach, we went to Jusangjeoli Rock Formation too, where there's this rock that resembles the Dragon Head. We took a cruise out from Jeju Island to Daepo Coast. The cruise ride was so memorable to me, as the weather that day was quite cold, below 10 degree, and with the speed that we are going, the cold wind hitting on my face is almost FROSTING! But we all remain at the deck, as my friend are like me, we adore that clean blue sea... and we had bought this delicious BBQ cuttlefish from the lady on the cruise. It keep us chewing n warm for a while. Hahaha. The boat brought us to a bay area of the rock formation, where the engine was stop and we slowly float into the bay area. There were high rock walls and upon the count of 3, the whole of us on the cruise ship, shouted Anyeong Ha Se Yo! And you can hear the echo all the way up and back down. Lolz... it was super fun!!

Then there's this wonderful place in Jeju called the Songsan Sunrise Peak. You just MUST visit this place if you ever go. Its a volcanic crater, located at the far eastern part of the island. The volcano is no longer active, and there this patch of grasslands with beautiful flowers grown on it. The view up there... can't snap it well with a camera but imagine you standing on top and when you look down, surround you is the small land of Jeju and the rest around it is sea. So now you get it why its called the sunrise peak? Standing there, its really seeing the sun rise from the horizon... ok, i'll leave the imagination to u gals... :)

Apart from moving upwards to the volcanic crater, the whole slope is cover with green patches of grass, i have never in my life tried liying on such a big patch grassy area, rolling and laughing so freely with my friends. And when you look up, its just the lazy clouds floating with the clear blue sky...
So this is what Shikamaru like to do eh... cloud watching.
Perhaps in where i come from, its higher in density, so if you lied down on grass, you'll get clothes wet with the grass stain. And there's lots of trees and buildings, hence u hardly get such a wide view of the skies w/o obstacles, and yet the sun is so gentle and don't stare right into your eyes...
So this is really an experience for us...

Rolling and Rolling on the glassy slope
Laughing and Smiling at our sillyness
but there you see Plastered on our face
is that giddy childish smile that we have lost as we grown up

Gazing up the skies...
Is that a marhmellow on the sea?
What else you see?
An elephant? No way!!!
Sportscar??? That's not even possible!
There we go... kidding each other, spending a lazy afternoon cloud watching...

ah, missed that place already.. :/
and there's more to it. if you felt too tired to climb up the crater, you can move downwards to this black sand beach.
that's entirely another breathtaking view. backed by a grassy slopes with purplish wild flowers, is the black stone wall, black sand beaches... you'll see the "HaiNu" harvesting thier catch of the day - mainly sea urchines and abalone. And they set up stalls at the beach and sell them right away, Fresh from the sea. Its not only inexpensive and eating it straight from the sea is really... dunno how should I describe this... simply UMAI... you can taste the sea, along with it is the sweet fresh taste of it.

Abalone, sea urchin. Yum yum. Jeju is also famous for its milk as well, as the cow ate nothing but corn. Yeah... the milk kinda taste diff, its lighter in the taste... and with a hint of sweetness to it. They are also famous for this bread of oranges called HaNAFeng... so majority of its local snacks are orange in flavour, like the rice crackers and chocolates.

There, rolling on the grasses, standing on top of a valcano crater, luxury of cloud watching, island cruising, sea watching, another first time experience on Jeju I had is horse-riding! Haha, its was such an exciting experience. As this is my first time riding, so i opt to walk 1 big round in the ranch and not run 2 rounds. But at last... my dear horsy, did not wait for the owner to lead him back to the line after our leisure walk, but start galluping away when he saw his companion start going on full speed with those who opted to run! So had 1 round of walking and 2 round of running!
Lolz... its was quite scary at first when he just take off like that, but luckily he did not go too fast, but following the pack. So its still manageble and I enjoyed it so much in the end!

So... that's Jeju for me. A tranquil and peaceful little island, waiting for you to discover its natural beauty, echoeing to your ownself within. Back to nature... so, highly recommend you girls to visit Jeju if you ever go Korea.

Posted quite some pics... phew. Enjoy~

Up next, guess its time I posted on some beautiful flowers I've came acrros in Korea, esp Cherry Blossoms! They are blooming when am there... so its really a sight to behold!

Till then~
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The Queen's Steward
The Queen's Steward

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A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 12:35 am

Ahhhh, hikarichan, you are faster than me...I wanted to answer your last but you already posted your next report, hahaha...
So first: my mini-garden is really mini because I´m living in the city and I´m glad to have one...I planted roses, strawberries, redcurrants,
peonies, tulips, pansies and some more summer flowers... :flower: :flower: :flower:

I love Kimchi I had once the chance to eat homemade Kimchi from Korean friends and it was great...same was with the Korean BBQ..actually my sister-in-law learned how to make it and everytime we are celebrating birthdays she makes it...arghh I.want.some.NOW.!!

Your report is really great... I´d like to go to Jeju Island immediately...but like Europe is expensive for you it´s the same with me with I guess we both have to save alot for our next

Yeah, your report reminds me of Goong and also BOF because in both dramas were the teddybear museum...and of course also of "All-in"...
and the nature always reminds us of our true self, right?..."to be or not to be" enjoy our be part of nature especially us think of our way of life...our dreams...our values...our goals...

to make it short and not to bore everyone: I loved your report and I´m waiting for your you have to write reports after each of your*hugs* and thanks for your sharing...
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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 8:18 am

Wuaaaaaaaaaa!!! *pouts* I wanna go to korea too!!!!!!!

Everything sounds great, I'm glad you had such a great time!

Oh god! Kimchi! Korean BBQ, I want to try it all!

You tried on Hanboks? so cute! Reminds me of "Bad Couple" where the male lead said he found women in hanbok the sexiest and was aroused by it XD XD XD

Uwa! Jeju island! oranges (my girl XD), so the teddy bear museum is in jeju? I didn't know that, the goong bears :bounce:

Your photos are awesome!

:flower: ☀
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2009 11:47 pm

Are you trying to make me blush??? Hahaha...
*HUGS* thats best comment girl, now I can't wait to write more about it too! Lolz.
Will cont to report on my vacation as long as any of you girls are intersted~ Am glad to share~ :)

Wow... thats quite a collection you have there for a mini-garden.

Going on vacation is always a HUGE motiviation for me to save up~ I Love travelling! and both Japan and Korea is making me loving it more~

@ limanh
Hehe, so I manage to entice you to be there right here right now? Haha... am sure you'll get your chance. Right now, I can only "bring" you there with my photos~

Hehe... I like them too!!! Cause those are valuable experince or items that I can't bring back. So my principle is, can't bring back, snap it! Haha, but some are not so well taken, cause its either too crowded, like the teddy bear musuem. Or we are in a hurry, like for the food, can't wait to dig in! Lolz...

I like photography, esp on nature, surroundings and a piece of life. So I really snap loads of them in this trip. There are a few which are my personal favourites, will share them in my next updates on flowers and other places.

@Princess_jime, limanh
Haha, so when do you girls plan to go then??
Then you girls can add on to this report too~ :)
And after the trip, bet both of you will end up like me, missing the authentic Kimchi, Korean BBQ~
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 11:08 pm

Oh goshie~ I hate reading this thread as much as I love it. Because it's making me jealous... Uwaaa~
I'm sooo drooling over Jeju... I can really imagine the... freshness
Great photos by the way! It really really really seemed fun!
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 11:24 pm

First, apologize minna, for not updating for a while, am really swarm, only mamage to online for a while or so lately.

Huhu... otakugal, thanks for reading this~
Please continue to love it ya~

Colors of Korea: Cherry blossoms and what's more?

Its Spring during my visit, so Cheery Blossoms was blooming!
And my... its really a magnifiicent sight! Romantically beautiful, its just makes your heart dance n ever so light!

My first encounter with Cherry Blossoms was actually at Jeju. As during our arrival in Korea, it was still cold and they were all still in thier buds. But the guide told us it was blooming in Jeju, since its at the southern part of Korea, where its warmer. But they didn't have a lot of the trees overthere...

So when am back from Jeju, those lovely flowers are just begining to bloome in Busan and Daegu~ I cannot forget the times when our bus drove along the roads from Busan airport to Daegu, because we are just welcome by the Cherry Blossoms that is never ending along the roadside...

blushing in pink,
swaying in the air,
dancing with the wind,
making your heart flutters...

Daegu is a very old city in Korea, where you can still see the houses in the olden days. Low walls, and stone stacks along the way.

Our guide told us, Daegu have the most beautiful Cherry Bloosoms park... and he didn't lie to us. We visited a very old temple in Daegu (listed as a Unesco World Heritage), its the scared land of buddha. It was very serene, filled with smaller halls but very spacious and full of stories by itself. So as we walk, the stories of the halls are told.

The park was just outside this temple and i do not know how big it is. All I know is...
From a top, it's a sea of fluffy pink that i want to dive in
From a side, it's a beautiful picture that i want to be in
Form within, its a magical momemt that i want to dance with
From beneath, it's a captivating petals that i want to reach

Its really a sight to behold...
Can't imagine how dreamy it will look when the moon is out
where the pinkish white flowing in the air strikes the comparison with the dark blue sky...

We took loads on pictures in the park... and many koreans are having thier picnic there too. Drinking sake, admiring the cherry blossoms. We don't have sake, but we have water pear ice cream! Lolz... so like them,
we sit under the tree, sucking at our ice-cream sticks
we lie under the tree, feeling the petals on our face...

ooh... so reluctant to leave it neh... haha it's really beautiful.

Following which, we visit an ancient tomb, which is a Unesco Heritage site as well. Where you really see the vast of land in up to the horizon. There's a big field next to this site, and its planted with nothing but YouChaiHua... a kind of yellow flower, so the field is golden yellow alike, and behind the field is rows and rows of old Cherry Blossoms which have grown so tall. So, blue skies, pink flowers, yellow fields, greens, you paint the picture. Am all taken by it. :)

Then from there, we travel back to Busan for dinner. My, Daegu is really a city full of Cherry Blossoms neh~
Dinner, is an absolutely delicious, mouth watering BBQ pork. Am not sure if its the marinate that does the job or the freshness of the pork that does it... we all have our extra helpings!

After that, we merely stroll around the area for some shopping... and enjoying the nite view of Busan. With the petals of cherry blossoms flowing down... its just magical...

Here's some of the pics

Upnext, we are going to spend a whole day at Everland! ;)
World third largest themepark? Right after Disneyland and Disneyworld i think...

Then from there's will head back to Seoul, where the a new series of excitement awaits~

Promise to update again soon ya~
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The Queen's Steward
The Queen's Steward

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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 7:50 am

Hi hikarichan,

arghhh,....the more I read about your trip the more I want to go to Korea immediately...
as you may know from my previous post I do live in a big city therefore seeing all those
beautiful picture of the nature is just amazing and together with your report it feels my
heart with longing....

From a top, it's a sea of fluffy pink that i want to dive in
From a side, it's a beautiful picture that i want to be in
Form within, its a magical momemt that i want to dance with
From beneath, it's a captivating petals that i want to reach

You can describe your feelings just great *envies*...those words really touched my heart...
thanks for your sharing...I hope one day we can meet each other in*daydreams*
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~   A trip to the Land of KDRAMA~ Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2009 8:58 pm

Hehe, limnah your comments make me laugh~
Am so glad that you like it and wanna visit korea!
Hmm... prob i can be a tour guide or ambasodor next time~ Lolz...

Sorry for not updating, my lappy died on me, lucky all my data backups are intact. Phew. Now that its alive, i can cont on my travel reports. :)

Ja, here we go~

Part 6
Exciting Korea: Fun filled Excitement in Seoul City

In Korea, there's 2 main theme parks, Everland and LotteWorld. Am gonna cover both in this report. :)

Everland was bursting with colourful spring flowers throughout the park. The vibrant colors and the exicting rights just makes you feel like a you are in toyland. Lolz... everything is cute and colorful!

There's this Zootopia in Everland, where it houses a one of kind's animal - LIGER. Liger is the cub of a Tiger and a Lion. Hence Liger. However due to this unsual marriage, this cub is not able to reproduce, it will only have 1 generation. The setup of zootopia is really interesting, where we are all seated in the bus, where the animals roam freely around us as we drive pass. The bears are truly amazes me, its like they know busses will pass them by, hence they will station themsleves along the road, waiting for the bus driver to feed them some tidbits. Haha, some even wave at us or clap thier big fury paws as our bus stop to watch them. :)

Another highlight worth mentioniong it thier roller coaster. Very steep. 79 degree angle. Almost 90 degree rush down. Yeah... you can imagive the screeming and shirking coming from it. Am all green faced. :/

From Everland, we then proceed to Seoul city for dinner, and watch the Cooking Nanta show. Am not sure if you gals heard of it, cause they are very famous. They did world tour performance too. Its really amazing! Love it!!! The performers make all sorts of rythme from the cooking utencils with an interesting story. There's the manager, the head chef, 1 macho assistant, 1 sexy assistant and a runner boy. Preparing for a wedding bonquet. I shall keep the content and let you gals watch it when you have chance. Its really a great show! A good 2 hours spent. :D

We were very lucky cause we are able to get rooms in the Lotte World Hotel! So exciting! Its so grand; its nice and its right next to Lotte World!
Lolz... Haha.

So, needless to say, the next day, we just spent our day in Lotte World Theme Park. They are divided in both indoor and outdoor. We all were like back to the yound age, we bought all sorts of head bands to wear, took rights on that infamous Merry-Go-Round, the one from Stairway to Heaven. We cover almost all rides in the park and had lots of junk food. BBQ sweet corn, cheesy corn dog, waffles, pop-corn, ice-cream, churos, tako-yaki, pizza, burgers... lolz... goodness what else? Its like whatever its on the foodstalls, we'll try, we'll eat! :)
It was such a happy day. Ah... how i missed it.

Apart from the 2 themeparks, we visited The National Folks Musuem, The old palace and The Blue House.
The musuem really show us the full history of korea, and the blue house is the president's house, and the old palace is the where the king rules in the past. Really a tour down the memory lane of korea.

Basically, this is for all my sightseeings in Korea. Up next is really us exploring the citys for food and... shopping!
Yes, we went shopping like crazy at Dongdaemum, Namdeamum, Coex Mall, Myeongdong, Lotte World Arcade and Sincheon. We went Hardrock Cafe too!

Part 7
Shopping Korea: Shopping malls to night market!

Seoul is a great place to shop! Bought tones of things form head to toe, its afordable, its of quality and it suites me. Lolz...

The cosmetics shops is every where, every corner you turn. Lots of endorsements from KBN, and other famous Korean Idols. Fierce competition, you get free gifts from them as long as you are willing to enter to window shop. Am always get pulled inside by those pretty girls... and have tones of free gift too! KBN poster from Tony Moly, FaceShop's samples, Etude House lip gloss etc etc. They are very generous with gifts, just bought a bottle of foundation, end up with a mini travel pack of facial care from them. Isn't it great? :)

The clothings really blow me away. Went so many places for shopping but I seldom see repeat designs. they are all unique and creative by its own... work clothes, casual clothes, we shop like never before. Lolz...

And shoes, omg, they have the prettiest flats i ever seen. So sweet and comfy. Am a big fan of flats... so... lolz

Accessories, everywhere. Cute earrings, hair clips... gosh, we girls just have lots and lots of things to buy and choose from.
Not that i am complaining but its really a lot! With the prices like 3 for 5000won, would you not buy? Its like 3 for 5 bucks! All so pretty.
Psst... i bought 10 diff colours of hair accessories to match my work clothes, only cost me 10 bucks. :p
All my colleagues love it!

And love the night markets, cause the atmosphere is great, the street food is great, the price is even better! Most of the street food, cost me 1000w only, which is about a dollar for my currency. Spicy rice cake, blood sausage, fries wrap sausages, sweet pancake, bbq cuttlefish, oden, caramel cookies, ice-cream, waffle choco/cheese dip... are you drooling now? cause i am... hahaha
and one of my fav breakfast, Krispy Cream Original Glaze donuts! Yummy yummy yum!

Finally, on a last note... girls, i bought the KBN soundtrack for my fren, part 1 and part 2, as her parting gift. Very nice and the uncle was so kind that he gave me 2 wall size posters of them, and 2 decks of extra postcards of them...
Cause its not available in my country. Yeah... so my fren kiss me like no tomorrow. Lolz...

There, all my travel reports to Korea. By far, Jeju is my favourite, and Myeongdong is best for shopping for me. Cause it got everything, and the night market! Next is Dongdaemum! Sincheon is great for young creative clothes too! These are my top 3.

I'll posted more picuters on the food, night markets, etc etc. Since its not much I can talk about it. Pictures speaks a thousand word neh?

Lastly, Arigatou minna-san for reading my travel report and comment on it. :)
Really enjoy writing them here and posting up the pics. :)
Cause every time i post, i seave through all my thousand over pics... lolz. Hahaha.

Here's the link to the pics~
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