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 Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]

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The Queen of LSS
The Queen of LSS

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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2008 10:34 am

Alrighty, since it's the hype this week, I'm opening a thread. I've personally read the first two books of the series. XD You can talk about anything of Twilight books here. ;) I'm posting my reviews here. You can do the same. You can flame... you can agree... that's what the thread is about.

For the movie, of course the Movies Board. xD Shoot.. I will just open it there too. ^^

Last edited by Kytana on Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:27 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Queen of LSS
The Queen of LSS

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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2008 10:40 am



Last edited by Kytana on Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Queen of LSS
The Queen of LSS

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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2008 10:47 am



Last edited by Kytana on Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2008 1:58 pm

Normally I keep my Twilight rants to myself but today I'm feeling very annoyed and I need to let off some steam (in the form of ranting about the biggest waste of money in my life).


New Moon - (Waste of money but I can live with it)
Eclipse - (Bigger waste of money but.. I knew what I was getting into)

Breaking Dawn - (My excuse of buying the book was I was forced to at gunpoint... )

Yeah... you can tell I don't like the series much at all and depressingly, I bought all four books. *sigh* I feel like slamming my head into a locker every time I hear girls in the hallway spazzing about how "hot" Edward is. NEWSFLASH - EDWARD AIN'T REAL!! HE'S IN A BOOK!!. Lastly. Twilight is really one big fanfiction and is not a "literary masterpiece" it is not a "wonderful novel" it doesn't even stimulate your mind. *grumbles* And no. Comparing Twilight's "greatness" to Harry Potter ISN'T a compliment because guess what (I'm gonna get shot for this) - Harry Potter wasn't that great either! (1-4 were alright, 5-7... *cries*)

yes. I'm done my rant. I feel much better now.
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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2008 2:48 pm

Okayyyyyyy I should have gone here first instead of the Twilight movie thread. >_> LOL. I'll just re-write what I said and continue.

Twilight was a huge disappointment for me. I mean, as a teenager, I understand how it affected tons of people my age in a good way but I can't seem to be affected by it. And it totally boggles my mind how this book turned out to be "the" teen book to read. It doesn't make any sense to me. What FRUSTRATES me to the core is how girls can compare this to Harry Potter saying it's even better! O_O The outcome of this book was so... displeasing. Unsatisfying. And it irks me so much that this book could have been epic if not for Stephanie Meyers horrendous writing. (Okay, not HORRIBLE, but far from being good enough to be able to get published imo... How the hell did Twilight even get published? O.o)

I was talking about it with a friend that was crazily obsessed with the Twilight series. She was actually kind of sickened that I wasn't "amazed" by the series. What, just because I'm young, I'm SUPPOSED to like it? I mean, I did enjoy reading it but I'm far from loving it. And I had tons of issues with it.

First of all, the execution of it all. COME ON. How can Bella and Edward be desperately in love with each other halfway through the book when they barely even know each other?! Their romance is absurd! It's irritating how they claim they're in love with each other when their relationship is pretty much based on lust and physicality. Being in love is far from just that, it's coming to respect and love who they are, not what they look like (then again how would I know, considering I've never been in love nor have I ever had a serious boyfriend *hides in corner* LOL). Seriously, I think they've talked about 10 times ONLY before they exchange the I-love-you's and the I-can't-live-without-you lines. Blah. Meyer totally rushed their romance and it's such a turn off for me. Their exchanging dialogues were SO damn cheesy, I had to make sure in my mind that this was actually a real, published book and not some journal I was reading from a 17 year-old girl who was proclaiming her undying love to some boy. (Wait, isn't that exactly what Twilight is? LOL)

Secondly, I HATE how the first three quarters of the book are basically only about Bella and Edward's relationship. Actually, now that I think about it, there was really no defined plot. It's so annoying how Meyer didn't concentrate on Victoria, James and Laurent. They were so interesting! I wished she brought them in sooner, rather than to drag her story about Bella and Edward's oh-so-complicated relationship.

I don't know if it's just me but I was hoping for a sad cliffhanger ending to make the transition from book one to book two interesting. Unfortunately, it was the happily-ever-after ending. *rolls eyes* UGHHHHHHH.

Anyway, this was more than enough for me to stop reading the series. I suspected that the books get worse in terms of development (and by that I mean their romance and plot). Stephanie Meyer, to me, doesn't cut it. I've read better fanfiction than this. Like Kytana said, it was like a super long fanfiction. I felt like Stephanie Meyers had more of a story to tell rather than to provide a good piece of writing. It was a good idea, but a failed attempt at making it a good book.

(P.S. WOW... I should watch how I write LMAO. I'm even more cheesier when it comes to romance. >_> Silly me. HAHA. And I'm such a hypocrite... I'm probably the most hopeless romantic you'll ever meet LMAO!)

Last edited by Zohariel on Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2008 3:01 pm

@ griffenhawk

LOL! Your post made my day! Sorry I didn't refer to you, I was writing my post while you were posting yours LOL! I'm exactly in the same boat as you. I don't even have to read the books and I'll know what happens in every book by reading a summary of a couple of paragraphs... HAHA. Your Breaking Dawn review is GREAT haha! Ahhh... good stuff.

And I feel your pain; literally almost every girl down the halls are carrying Twilight with them. O____O I hear "Edward Cullen is SOOOO HAWT ZOMG" every friggin' SECOND. Sometimes I want to pause and go outside and just scream so much I'm tired of these girls... >_>
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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeTue Nov 18, 2008 2:58 am

Haha, glad to have a fellow Twilight-hater ... in every OTHER forum I've been on that talks about Twilight, everyone's like "Oh it's awesome! I love it! Edwards hot!" and you know how it is... good luck trying to persuade them that Twilight sucks. (-_-'')

I used to have a friend in school that didn't like Twilight either and we'd sit through lunch breaks just dissing the book whenever we saw someone holding it in the hallway... but she moved to a different school (>_<"). Although it seems a lot of Twilight fans have realized how bad the series is after the fourth book.... sort of...

actually no. It's more like, they only hate the fourth book but all the other three are still <3. >_< Twilight fans...
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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 6:34 pm

Twilight in my humble opinion is very cliche. I mean seriously, a girl who never fell in love before and a guy who never fell in love before fall for each other? hmmm....

I admit though, last year when I read Twilight for the first time, it was a page turner (only because I imagine I am Bella :lol: )
But as for New Moon, it was very hard reading it. I can't imagine myself being as...helpless and annoying as her. I actually skipped parts including the ending even though it is probably the best part of the whole book. The only part I enjoyed there is Jacob Black (imagining Steven Strait ;)). I love that mutt.
And I stopped midway through Eclipse. I can't bear Bella's indecisiveness. I mean, have pity on Jacob lady!
And since I was disappointed on the last two installments, I didn't even touch Breaking Dawn. I just read the spoilers.

Most of my friends, much like you all, are twilight fanatics. They claimed that I don't like Twilight because I can't relate to Bella, that I can't relate to being in love.

Maybe that's true.

But if being in love turns me into Bella, then I don't think I want to fall in love. Haha.

I personally don't understand how people could compare Twilight with Harry Potter. JK Rowling created a world and a word (muggle is in the dictionary now!). And Meyers? Ooh...vampire glow in the sun, vampire don't get killed by creative.

But I don't necessarily hate Twilight. The series has its good points. I just think that there are far better books out there that deserves half the publicity Twilight is getting, perhaps even more. *cough*Meg Cabot's The Mediator*cough* haha
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The Queen's Attendant
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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 7:21 am

I can't even begin to comment on these books... there's so much to talk about...
Let me just say that, as I told other people... this series should have been commercialized as a comedy for me. I hadn't laughed so much in a loooong time. It's THAT ridiculous to me.
I like it/hate it. Yeap...

Anyway, I'm here to do shameless promotion... for my twilight one-shot lol!

Posted right here... :albino: :bounce: :cheers: lol!
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The Invisible Monkey

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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 6:05 am

These books should get burnt right-away. Period.
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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitimeWed May 19, 2010 1:08 am

I didn't buy the book. I only downloaded it. I can't say it's a waste of money but it's a waste of time!
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Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers]   Twilight Book Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn) [contain spoilers] Icon_minitime

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