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 Hi...!! ^^

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Hi...!! ^^ Empty
PostSubject: Hi...!! ^^   Hi...!! ^^ Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 12:40 pm


my name is Dith from Indonesia. i've been junmao Shipper since.. high school? And now I've already working LOL. It's been 7-8 years I think.

They're my FIRST, special OTP. I love them before I knew about OTP itself. Heheheh. I read their fanfiction, finding clues from picture, spazzing and giggling by myself. Gosh, miss that moment so much.

How did I find out LSS? I knew it from the first time they made this forum! I've already have my account here tho, but maybe already deleted. Hi...!! ^^ 3694778345

I love Arashi, jun is my first bias, but now, as soon I get old, fangirling isn't my life anymore. i still love japanese culture, drama, song, artist, johnny's, but more like casual fan.

Nowadays their news (or gossip?) is all over internet again, right? So I made a choice to join LSS for the second time!

Please treat me well.. Hi...!! ^^ 156459800
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