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 Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08)

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The Queen of LSS
The Queen of LSS

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Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Empty
PostSubject: Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08)   Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 2:51 pm

April 27th 2008 will be the known as the more memorable day of my life! I don’t know where to begin… I guess I can start ALL the way from the beginning. =D

I will say this is the boring part since it’s about my drive. xD The morning started getting up at 4am and doing my daily routine. I made sure I had everything that was packed the night before so I was prepared for all cases. Then, I was out of the door by 4:30am. I stopped by Safeway to pick up breakfast and big sandwich for lunch & dinner. Then, by 4:45am, I was on the freeway. There were many highways & freeways I had to take to get to LA. It started off taking 85 South, merging into 101 South, taking 152 East [Pacheco Pass], and then finally getting onto the I-5 North. I-5 was a smooth ride because I cruise controlled to 80 mph. I took one pit stop off the freeway for 10 minutes to stretch, go to the bathroom, and relax a bit. The caffeine was finally getting to me after 3 hours of driving, and my mind was more awake at that point. By 9am, I got at to 110 East. Then, I took the I-10 East to Santa Monica and finally got off to Vermont Avenue. I’ve driven down LA/San Diego before and not to be mean, but I honestly don’t like the drivers around there. They didn’t let me in, kept honking at me as I was trying to find my way around. Anyways, back to my driving route… xD. I got to USC right at 9:15am and picked up a day permit. I was glad it was $5 instead of $8. They told me to park at Parking Structure D and it’s not mentioned on the map I printed out. So, I see it and check the other lots. I didn’t have access to Lots M & V apparently and turned back to park at Parking Structure D. Finally, I got out after parking.

First thing I do when I get there: already got lost. The campus was HUGE! I looked at the map again and then texted Destini to figure out the theatre area. Then, I walked towards the direction she instructed and yelled out, ‘Who’s Destini from VOX?’ She says who she was and I smile. I picked up my badge that I ordered to be part of the Arashi Secret Agency and sat with the group. I finally made it by 9:45am.

Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Img_4810

I met Amanda [arashix3], Katy, Carisa [Iroiro], and two more people that I didn’t know from VOX. Destini knew the people coming and that helped a lot. I realized I had some people’s LJs and VOX on mine after talking. We just went on about Arashi… from endless chatting to how hot each one of them were to making impersonations…. I’m glad to be seriously part of the Arashi fandom. It really reminded me of my NSYNC days when I was in high school. It was great to finally fangirl around people who had the same interest cause I really couldn’t do that here in my hometown. Carisa made Takezo cookies. I wanted to preserve one but it broke along the way to the car! xD So, it was eaten. Some girls went in and out of the group. I asked around on how old people were cause I was curious. Apparently, I was the oldest and was name, ‘Arashi Mama’ due to being 25. LOL By 12:30pm, I just went back to my car and put my stuff away because drinks and food weren’t permitted. I still had the big sandwich that I bought which I ate a piece of. xD I got back and more people arrived for the Arashi Secret Agency Fan Meet that was setup by Destini and Kaoroku. I met the twins, Angela and Nicole. They were only Arashi fans for 2 weeks and we’re having fun, trying to figure out some of the stuff we were talking about. Then a couple more people came and apparently, Destini knew them from the Hanadan Las Vegas filming. It made me regret not going there because the reports were so great [even though I read them online]. Apple called me on my cell phone, and I told her the directions on how to find parking. Her and Kaoroku showed up and they really looked like agents for the press. I thought that was neat. I passed around a yellow pad so people can add each other on VOX and LJ which I would mass e-mail. I’m glad it worked. Then, Liz showed up with the bouquet of flowers, and I just hand her $5 on the spot. The bouquet was SO PRETTY!!!! I really hoped MatsuJun would accept them from our group personally. Destini and I then start signing the cards and passing them around. OMG, I felt like I was the only one who couldn’t write any Japanese. This now really made me want to read Japanese better and get into writing it. Some of the parents were very thoughtful and Arashi fans themselves! I thought that was very neat to know. We were brought free food w/ free drinks throughout the time outside! You have to love them.. they were SO NICE!

By 2:30 or so, they moved the line to the other side of the building. Oh man, the line was long and all around the building. They separated the lines – one side was RSVPs and the other were on standby/waiting list. I felt bad because people were saying the theatre was small and it was a first-come, first-serve basis. I was like #10 in line when we moved over to the other side. For a while, I was just exhausted and burning up from the sun. I was talking to everyone. I met Adrienne, Amanda’s big sister. She was very pretty, tall, and we chatted up since we were about 4-5 years apart in age. I didn’t know they lived in the Bay Area. xD To kill time, Kaoroku put out her laptop and Destini provided the Time DVD! I was listening cause the glare was bad. Then after an hour or little bit more, the laptop died. *pouts* Then, I just talked to people around me about everything, doing more of our crazy fangirling. xD One of the mothers then came by and gave us popsicles! OMG! I thanked her so much and appreciated. The side we were on was the sunny side. Ugh... people were walking around, fanning themselves, and other things. By 4:15pm or so, cameras were coming out and they had us do the waving, etc. Then, a bunch of Japanese news reporters came out and interviewed the fanmeet girls. I heard we were labeled the ‘MatsuJun Fanclub’. =D I know it was more Arashi, but hey, it worked. I believed they didn’t pay attention to the Asians or older people because Adrienne and I were convinced. xD We tried here and there to just be in a picture even though we were in the back of the whole group. They interviewed the people that didn’t look Asian at all. I wasn’t offended, though…. I’m just happy someone represented our Secret Agency Fan Meet to them. Hehe Anyways, the sun was killing a lot of people and dehydrating us. While I was dying of the heat and being quiet in the back, I heard some negative things about the fan group I was in, even in other languages I understood. It upset me a bit but I didn’t make a big deal about it. Everyone has their own opinion about everything and anything, right? Oh well…. it can’t be helped. Going back to a lighter side, they continued taking pictures and talking to our ‘representatives’ of the Arashi Secret Agency. When the Japanese reporters left, there were like 15 more people in front of me.
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The Queen of LSS
The Queen of LSS

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Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08)   Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 2:52 pm

Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Img_4811

By 5pm, I saw programs in one of the Toho people’s hands and was so excited.

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I checked in, gave my cell phone and digital camera, and took a program with the translations. I looked inside and was now happy to be in the air conditioning room. I kept changing rows when I went inside because I couldn’t figure out where everyone was sitting. I finally sat in the 2nd row with Amanda and Adrienne on the aisle seat. I turned around and talked to Liz with the other girls on how we’re going to present the bouquet to him. Because we didn’t want to scare MatsuJun, we wanted Liz to give it to him since she bought them and thought of the idea. She was practicing a bit and it was so cute! =D Then, in our row, a lady walked up to one of the girls and asked her to not put up the sign. Adrienne noticed her mic and it said, ‘Zero Culture’! OMG! Where’s Sakurai Sho? He wasn’t there… dammit. All I know is that she went up to the fan meet girls behind us and told them the same thing. I seriously saw Destini on the floor and wishing that Sho was there. You know how many girls would be on Sho if he did arrive? Thus, I’m glad he wasn’t there. Then, the newspaper reporters asked for Destini and asked about how we all seen the original. She responded well to them, and they were seriously impressed! Then, Adrienne and I talked about what’s with the color of our wrist bands mean. We asked around and well, the orange meant that you were over 21 and yellow meant under 21. I was wondering at that point if Jun was going to show up to the small reception. LOL I would so drink red wine with him. As I was relaxing after a bit, I read the program and found out why the C-3PO actor was coming, etc. First off, Star Wars was influenced by the original Hidden Fortress. Second, the Director, Shiniji Higuchi, wrote up the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gamera movies. I was amazed so much that I thought of a question for the Question & Answer after the movie. I felt bad that all the girls may ask MatsuJun a question which is why I was aiming for the other guests. ^^ Then, I was kinda eavesdropping to other conversations. Apparently, between 100-300 people didn't get in. I was seriously glad to have gotten there early. It was worth it! ;) After 2 minutes, a lot of the Japanese people were shuffling around unusually. I think it was time it started.

They dimmed the lights by 6pm. It started off with a Star Wars clip. It was the life of C-3PO. I wish I wrote it down! It was clips of various parts of all the Star Wars films. The lights came back on. Anthony Daniels was introduced, and he came running down the aisle I was sitting at. He was seriously funny! I couldn’t believe the C-3PO expressions he used and then he had a mini C-3PO doll. He also said that he had a Japanese translator who came up on stage. Of course, the best part – he introduced Shinji Higuchi and Jun Matsumoto. OMG! I was seriously in shock that he ran from the side I was on! My mouth dropped as I was clapping. He was seriously 1-2 feet away for 2 seconds….. I screamed and squealed with the girls after he passed me so he wouldn’t hear. ^^;; First thing I notice, thanks to my hentai mind, was that his pants were TIGHT! He had a nice butt from my angle and my eyes were in that one area….. yeah… I’m not gonna say. Wow…. He was really skinny and actually a bit shorter than I expected from the TV shows. I wished I had my camera, but I wasn’t part of the press, and I would have been kicked out. Haha His suit was gorgeous - It was dark blue suit jacket, green buttoned up shirt, green stripped tie, khaki tight pants, and dark blue pointy shoes. Then, I looked up at him… his hair was straight, waved out a bit and shining under the lights. His face was like an angel… very soft, relaxed but tired eyes. I forced my mouth to shut cause it was hanging still. My heart beat so fast just the fact we were all in the same room with an Arashi member. AHHHH!!!! Anyways…. *calms down*….. Mr. Higuchi spoke in English actually. His speech was great! He was saying how he gave up English speaking and so forth. Then, it was Jun’s turn. I wasn’t sure if he was going to speak Japanese. The words out of his mouth made me want to SCREAM so bad! OMG…. he spoke English clearly! If I remember, I think this is what he said [roughly from my brain & watching videos]…. Made me wish I wrote it down… ^^;;;;

“Good Evening, everyone. My name is Jun Matsumoto. I play the part of Takezo in the movie in which you are about to see in Hidden Fortress: The Last Princess. I am honored to be able to participate this special screening today here at the renowned University of Southern California. I hope the following two hours will be a thrilling time for all of you….”

He said more but I don’t remember. I’m sorry…. I hope there are full transcripts somewhere for us to share to everyone! ^^;;; After his speech, they decided to take pictures for the people that couldn’t get in due to the overbooking. I was on the side they didn’t get but that’s okay. I was happy enough that Jun still ran down my side when he was introduced. I saw some of the girls almost wanting to grab him…. Lucky! xD Still, to be really close to him is like pure bliss. You never want him to leave. As they were done, the lights dimmed slowly. Jun walked up my aisle. He looked at me for like 1 second and smiled walking off. I was in heaven! My face was a tomato at that point, and I was glad no one saw. I put my glasses on and started watching the film. Yes, it was subtitled! xD

Now…. I’m not going to spoil it for people. What did I think of the film? IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!! I believe the word AWESOME applies to this as well. How does one describe a re-make of a great Director? Ya know…. For a re-make, it was well done. It had all the elements that was for all the audience – action, comedy, romance, storyline, history… yeah…. I wish I saw the original Hidden Fortress all the way… it’s motivating me to go and buy it. Hehehe I hope it comes out to the US for people to see all around. Then, everyone would wonder who is Matsumoto Jun, right? Plus, it’s gotten good reviews from people who saw it. *prays* I will watch it again with anyone in my area if it comes out in theatres. Then, Mr. Anthony Daniels sat in the seat in front of me, watching the film. How cool is that to see a Star Wars actor, watching the film so intensely? During the film, I held Amanda’s & Adrienne’s programs. I wanted to go with them… yet, I was glued to the movie. I’ll explain after this little awesome side story. Adrienne came back and told me what happened to her. Apparently, as they came out of the bathroom, MatsuJun was right in front of them near the women’s bathroom. They were in shock, and he turned around, noticing. She really didn’t know how to react and turned the other way, walking. I’m hoping they write it on their VOX cause I’m just kinda writing a summary. ^^ I personally wonder if he was staring at her all the way back to the theatre… I made the joke, ‘He may have wanted to ask one of you out’. I guess we accidentally were a bit loud that Mr. Daniels told us to be quiet silently. I nodded and turned back to the movie, returning their programs to them. As for the movie itself, every time there was so much intensive moments, they’re be a comic break. Jun in his costume was sexy even though it was dirty. =D The other actors and the main actress did a GREAT job too. The fighting scenes were very good with the added special effects. Personally, katanas are my favorite weapons. ;) So, to see them used in action was just magnificent. I don’t think anyone could slice up a person like that though. Hehehehe The ending wasn’t what I expected…. it really surprised me. The whole movie kept going and there were no parts missing. There were no parts missing, and it was at a great pace!
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The Queen of LSS
The Queen of LSS

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Age : 41
Location : Gotta find me! :)

Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08)   Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 2:52 pm

Then the movie ended and they set up the seats for the guests. They all came down the same aisle, and my eyes followed MatsuJun all the way to his seat. They started the Question & Answer session with the first guest. I apologize but I forgot his name. Jun sitting there…. He looked so adorable under the lights! I seriously saw him glowing, and he was happy and relaxed. The translators were on each side so one would interpret English and one would interpret Japanese. Then, the first guest asked questions. After, they brought it out to the audiences. Again, I don’t have any transcripts. I will hopefully find them online to share with people on what he said. All I know was that the words coming out his mouth were friendly and very professional at the same time. Plus, he really sounded like he is JunStyle! I was quietly squealing to myself. AHH!! I hope he mentions us on the next JunStyle! I will be right next to my computer. Anyways, going back to more of the event, I personally thought that the translators were not good. One was slow and the other one didn’t understand what was asked. I could tell Jun looked really upset about it. He looked up to the audience and asked if anyone understood English. We all raised our hands. Then, he asked if anyone understood Japanese. My hand was still raised with some more girls cause most hands came down. Oh, I just understand a bit here and there thanks to teaching myself and watching anime & Japanese dramas. I don’t speak Japanese or write though. ^^;;;;; Anyways, he was considerate and really wanted everyone’s questions to be asked. His smile…. AHHHH…. It’s an angel’s smile. I wanted to seriously just pass out cause my heart kept beating and beating. As I'm still trying to figure out what was asked, one was about Star Wars and if Jun ever saw them before filiming Hidden Fortress: The Last Princess. He said he never watched them and his character was a combination of Spiderman, Han Solo [I think he said that] and Jack Sparrow! Dude, that's a great combination, right? ;) I bet he was super excited to try the character out. Then, there was a question asked about his character. He spoke in Japanese, saying that he wouldn’t wear clothes like Takezo and would be cold. Plus, he’s not dirty. Then there was a pause…. He says in English, ‘I’m shy!’ and puts his mic and head down! All of us were like, ‘Awwwww’ and just in heaven by that moment. He literally was embarrassed and tensed up a bit. He looked like a cute boy…. I never get why people see him as DoS all the time. *shakes head* After that comment, I don’t see him like that anymore. Then, I think to another question, he explained he was in the back of the theatre the whole time, watching the film with us. He wanted to see our reactions and wasn’t sure if they’d be good reactions. While they were talking and trying to figure out what's being translated, people took out their cameras they were supposed to check in. The Japanese crew around me noticed and told people to go on the other. I decided to look at that really quick and I'm not sure if the fans that took the pictures were kicked out. All I know is that they had hella people on each side just in case it happened again. Ok... moving on to more MatsuJun moments. LOL Then, there was a question of about making a sequel. The Director said it would be up to Jun actually. We all said, 'Do It!' a couple of times. Then Jun smiled widely and looked at the Director. He said, 'Do It!' OMG!!!! I will so watch that if it happens and would wait for another premiere! KYAAA!!! *breathes calmly now* Oh... I'm letting you know that this interview I'm summarizing might be out of sequence. I should have just taken out my yellow pad and write everything. *will remember to do that next time* This whole interview session really showed Jun’s true personality on how he can balance being professional and himself at the same time. There were a couple of times that I was just focused on him that I think he noticed. He looked over at me so deeply that we actually met eye to eye. I think tears were slowly forming in my eyes as I was waiting for that moment. KYAAAA!!!! Jun is one guy that I’d give up my boyfriend for… that’s bad for me to say but AHHHH!!!!! Ahem… let’s talk about the other guests… shall we?

The Director was so great too! He didn’t answer much to some of the questions because he didn’t want to give out his personal secrets… or so I believe. xD Yet, I was glad he was happy to share his experiences about the filming process. Now, as for Anthony Daniels, I really felt bad for him. He actually did say that he ‘was jealous of MatsuJun’. Awww… poor guy! People were so focused on the Director and MatsuJun that I wish I asked him some questions about filming with George Lucas, etc. Well, then again, there were more Arashi fans in the theatre than actual movie fans. After the Question & Answer session was over, they walked up the aisle again. The Arashi Secret Agency Fans stood up. Liz presented him our bouquet first! OMG…. He was so in shock! I think he didn’t know how much we all supported him and Arashi in the US. He read the card and smiled sweetly! I wanted to faint but Liz, girl, you know you’re lucky, right?!?!?! ;) She was our representative to the bouquet…. I believed he was touched by it. He took the bouquet, and his small smile widened. Then, other girls went up to him and gave him more bouquets that were smaller. At the moment, I was just happy to be part of the group. Liz’s brother explained to us that he literally put his hand to his chest, probably showing us that he was touched. If that’s true…. AHHHHHH!!!!! We’re getting our messages across to him…. So, I hope he puts in a request for Arashi to tour the US. I would try to go to some of them if that happens. Heck, if they went to Canada, I’d still cross the border. Hahaha

It ended, and I followed the crowd. I needed pick up my cell phone and digital camera. I sighed and really wished I could have taken pictures of him. Adrienne, Amanda and I followed a line of people to the reception. We weren’t sure if MatsuJun was going to the reception. The lines were long and we all kept chatting. After I got my food, I looked for our group. I saw them and talked to them. Oh man… it was just great to hear people’s reactions to everything. They were the same as mine. The Japanese people came out again and took the twins, Destini, and a couple of the other fans for interviewing. Again, I believed the Asians were ignored. LOL Then, from some other people, we heard that Jun went out to the car with the bouquets and rolled down the window. He waved at them while they drove off. I’m kinda glad he didn’t go to the reception because he would have probably been hurt. I was still satisfied that he was so close to me and the girls. It’s such an awesome feeling! Then, Destini explained her story about getting the big The Last Princess poster for Carisa. It was so sweet… she ‘fought’ her way for it. Carisa, I hope you have that hanging somewhere! =D Then, people started leaving and I took Destini and a couple of her friends back the Vagabond Inn. I honestly didn’t know where anything was which is why we go directions before leaving. Destini, Apple, Kaoruko, and Adrienne went to rent out rooms there. I talked to some of the girls. I honestly don’t remember their names…. So, please don’t kill me if you read this. ^^ Destini rented out a suite with Apple and Kaoruko and the room # was 222. We setup the room… I changed into my black nerd shirt and took out my laptop.

Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Img_1110

Kaoruko setup hers and we were all talking about the event, fangirled more and watched the Arashi shows! Kaoroku then made me a phone strap which I paid her $7 for. It’s so cool! I need to learn how to make something similar… hehe I got a purple strap and just put the letters of ARASHI cause I love Jun, but I still love the group as whole. ;)

Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Img_4813

Then, some girls left and some more girls came in. They were from New York and part of the press. They also brought their Japanese friend who was going to show us the whole dance routine to Love So Sweet. They got to talk to MatsuJun personally!

Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Img_4812
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The Queen of LSS
The Queen of LSS

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Age : 41
Location : Gotta find me! :)

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PostSubject: Re: Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08)   Hidden Fortress premiere @ USC Report (4/28/08) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 2:52 pm

That was freaking awesome to hear… I hope to get pics or they’ll post them up for us to see. =D Then, they left and it was the four of us. I really wanted to stay but I was fine to drive that late.

I left at 1am. I gased up and then went down the wrong street already. Then, I turned back and got onto the freeway. Then, I merged into the wrong freeway and had to turn back. Then, I finally got onto I-5 North. Somehow, I don’t know… I got onto 99 North. OMG… I freaked out cause I drove 45 minutes already. So, I did a thing a guy wouldn’t do – ask directions! xD My map wasn’t helpful. So, I had to take 46 West to I-5 North but it was 25 miles down. I finally was happy once I got down to I-5 North. I took a pit stop at a gas station cause I wasted half my gas, getting lost about 3-4 times. Then, after another 2 hours, I rested for 30 minutes at a rest stop cause my eyes were dropping. I was up for 24 hrs straight by that time. Then, I got onto 152 West and then 101 South. I was stuck in traffic this morning since I was heading north. The only thing that kept me up was my Rockstar energy drink. I got home at 8:30am and talked to my boyfriend on the phone and my VOX Friends. I slept by 11 and didn’t get up fully till 5pm.

I still can’t stop thinking about it! I saw MatsuJun IN PERSON!!!! He’s humble, gorgeous, friendly… cute…. So many words that I can’t use right now. xD Alrighty.. this is my report! I hope everyone enjoyed it. ;)
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