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 Sweet hana of mine. [completed]

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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Empty
PostSubject: Sweet hana of mine. [completed]   Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 9:45 am

"Sweet hana of mine".
A very special One-shot Matsumoto Jun/Floricienta cross-over.

*Junlover as "hana-chan"
*Matsumoto Jun as "jun - aniki (older brother)"
*Oguri Shun as "shun"
*Nishikido Ryo as "twin1 - ryo1"
*Nishikido Ryo as "twin2 - ryo2"
*Yamapi as "otouto (little brother) - pi"
and a special apperance by: P_J as " delfi (aka the evil witch)".

Note 1: even though I'm writing this in english, you have to imagine that everything is in japanese, except when something is in spanish, of course.
Note 2:[ ] <--- this is me commenting something.
Note 3: I've decided to name Junlover hana-chan as a very complex pun. See her real name is alejandra right?, in some countries, a common nickname for alejendra is "jana", which, coincidently, is pronounced exactly like "hana" in japanese, which means "flower". Now, "floricienta" is also a pun name, it's a mix of cenicienta, which is Cinderella's name in spanish, with "florencia" which was the name of the female protagonist, her nickname in the show was "flor" which is spanish for "flower"... see what I'm getting at? hana=flower flor=flower? eh? clever? a happy coincidence? no and yes.


It's a cold afternoon in BA [initials for Buenos Aires], and the staff at the most expensive hotel in town doesn't know what to do. Three very impertinent japanese young men are throwing a party at their room, the staff was told to let them do whatever they wanted since they're VIPs but things are getting a little rowdy... and the staff is getting played big time, because two of the young ones are twins and they can't tell them apart.
Loud noises can be heard all the way to the elevators, laughter and merriment.
Twin1 (throwing himself in a couch and spattering pillows everywhere): you know what we need?
Twin2 (trying to read a book but failing miserably): what?
t1: a band of course! some live music to entertain ourselves!
t2 (annoyed): a band?
Otouto: yeah! but we shouldn't... should we?... no... well... ok... let's do it!
t2: and how on earth do you plan to get a band? I mean, we're in Argentina, we don't speak spanish, and aniki told us we can't go explore the city until he gets here.
t1: um... all right, it's like this: you and I will make lots and lots of distractions while otouto goes out to find the band.
o (looking like a lost lamb): me?
t2: that has got to be the lamest pla... and how is otouto going to get the band?
o: yeah!
t1: just go out and prick your ears, I'm totally sure I saw a band practicing near here on some street when we arrived in the limo! get them!
o (not sure): um... ok...

Thus settled, they proceeded to do as planned, and succeeded to get otouto out in the streets of BA.
Otouto starts to walk around, absorbing the sites and sounds, when he hears what he was looking for, he crosses the street and as he turns around a corner he sees a band playing for cash, they are good and are getting a crowd around them, he goes over to listen to them, and notices the lead singer is a very good-looking girl, she seems to be very open with the crowd and seems very nice and lively, he likes her and decides to talk, or try to talk, with her.
As the performance is over and everyone start to disperse, otouto approaches the girl.
o: ..oo.ra. [that's "hello how are you" in spanish, with a very thick japanese accent! LOL]
Alejandra (turning around, and realizing the boy talking to her is japanese): hi! you're japanese right! boy are you lucky or what? I speak japanese!
o: eeeehh??? that's great!!! Hiya! my name is pi!
alejandra: I'm alejandra! great to meet you! I love making new friends!
pi: Aree han dura? [that's "alejandra" again with a thick japanese accent] cute name!
alejandra (holding her face with both hands): thank you!
pi (holding his face with both hands): can I call you a nick-name made up by me?
alejandra (smiling): sure!
pi (excited): great! let's see...aree..aree-chan... han.. hana... hana-chan? hana-chan! like a flower!
hana: uwaa! sooo cute!
Band member: che, alejandra, tenemos que irnos. [translation: "yo, alejandra, we gotta go"]
hana: si, voy. [translation: "yes, coming"] Listen Pi we gotta go, I hope we meet again!
pi: wait! hold on! I have a proposition for you guys!
hana: a what?
pi: you're a band right? I got a gig for you!
hana: really? chicos! Pi nos ofrece un trabajo como banda musical! [translation: "you guys, Pi says he has a job for us as a musical band"]
Band member: genial! donde y cuando! pero tiene que pagar de antemano eh! [translation: "great, when and where, but he has to pay us beforehand"]
hana (smiling): that's a yes from the band, and you have to pay us before the performance.
pi: um... I have... 5000 u.s. dollars... is that enough? *he gives her the money*
hana (impressed): wow! yeah! that's enough! *gives the money to the band, who are incredibly excited*
pi: cool! the job is now, at my hotel.
hana: let's get going then!

And they all leave for the hotel. When they get there they are greeted by the twins and start to set up their equipment, Hana is excited cause her charming little self has made some fans in the hotel's staff and so the room is now filled with people, she decides she'll use her special mask she made for her performance.
t1 (goes over to where hana is): Um, I believe otouto didn't tell you... I'm ryo1, my twin brother is ryo2, you'll tell us apart because, well, he wears glasses and I don't, hehehehe.
hana (smiling): ryo1 eh? I'll tell you something myself, I can very well tell you guys apart! weird ha?
ryo1: you can? wow! incredible! not many people can!
hana: I'm special that way.
ryo1: yes you are. *thinks to himself: I'm in love*
ryo2 (goes next to ryo1 and whispers): yo... I know that look, I admit she's cute, but are you "in love" already?
ryo1 (also whispering): shut up and let me enjoy the show.

Very lively music begins to play, and Hana starts to sing her heart out, she's winning the crowd with her act, people start to dance, the snacks arrive, others start to munch, it's officially a party.
Meanwhile, at the lobby, three people check in. One of them handles the business and they head for the elevators.
Shun: alright! it's going to be one hell of a business trip, right jun?
Jun: yeah, I hope the boys are ok though, I asked the clerk about them and he gave me this look... he seemed ashamed... I really hope the boys are not making trouble again.
Delfi: don't worry jun-dear, I'm sure the little bra..brothers are fine. They are here, right? inside the hotel? that's a good start.
jun (not sure): I guess you're right.
They get out of the elevator on their floor and hear music, laughter, and much noise. Jun and Shun look at each other and hurry down the hall to their connecting rooms, wide open, with a party inside.
jun (screaming): WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?
shun (smiling): it's obviously a party jun.
*delfi looks with disgust at the people crowding her personal space*
pi (panicking): aniki! you're here!
ryo2: bro! er... welcome!
ryo1: jun-kun! um... hey! how do you like your party?
shun (whispers to ryo1): quick thinking.
jun (screaming): what do you mean?!
ryo2: um... it's a party... for you! cool right?

But Jun is not hearing them anymore, his ears are completely engrossed by that sweet singing voice coming from... a girl in a mask singing on an improvised stage in a big corner of the room. He can't help but look and walk to her like a zombie, not knowing what he's doing he grabs some white flowers form a vase and stands next to the band. Delfi sees him and is ready to get him but people get in her way and all she can do is get annoyed and worried. As the performance finishes a big round of applause breaks out and Hana takes a bow.
delfi (to shun): we better get everybody out before jun gets more angry.
shun: yeah. *and he starts to ask people to leave*
jun (coming to his senses and still holding the flowers): what are you all doing in my room?!
As he says this he looks like an ice-cold demon ready to pounce, everyone gets scared out of their minds and they all hurry out, including the band, and Hana.
jun (to hana): hey you! wait right there!

But Hana is already out in the hallway running for her life. Jun runs after her and sees her falling and quickly getting up, when he gets to her she's already inside the elevator and the doors are closing. Right then and there she sees him, for a second, but the image of a prince holding her favorite flowers and looking directly at her gets embedded in her soul forever. "That was my prince! the one I was waiting for all my life!" she thinks and desperately starts to push all the buttons like crazy, but her friends stop her. Jun, meanwhile picks up a shoe that was on the floor, a silver sneaker.

jun: it must be hers.

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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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Join date : 2008-08-12
Location : Venezuela!

Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet hana of mine. [completed]   Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 9:47 am


Jun comes back holding the silver shoe like a precious thing, delfi goes to him and asks:
delfi: what is THAT horrible thing?
jun: nothing *and he puts it inside his carry-on bag* *delfi looks at him with suspicion in her eyes*
ryo1: so once again our aniki plays the party pooper.
ryo2: shut up...
jun: I come from a loooong trip from japan, you KNOW how tiring it is since you made the trip first, I'm all jet-lagged, wanting to rest a little bit, some peace and quiet, like a normal human being, and what do I get? A FRIKING PARTY IN MY ROOM?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!
pi (almost in tears): we... just... thought... you'd like it.
jun: LIKE?! LIKE MY ASS! I KNOW YOU GUYS DID IT FOR YOURSELVES! you were probably bored and wanted to cause me trouble!
ryo2: aniki, please don't yell at otouto, you know how sensitive he is... *pi starts to weep while ryo2 pats his back*
ryo1: not everything is about you! you self centered ass!
shun: oi, let's all calm down a bit here, nothing serious has happened.
jun (livid): and now you're calling me as ass?! .... GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE WE BOTH REGRET IT! Go to your rooms! now!
The brothers go out, ryo1 in a fury, ryo2 holding pi in his arms. Inside their room, a little subversive spirit begins to show up on all three...
ryo1: I can't stand him sometimes!
ryo2: and you just had to insult him! good thinking there...*rolling his eyes*
pi (drying his eyes): but... he did have a point, I mean...
ryo1: whatever, point or not, I can't believe because of him hana left just like that!
ryo2: and now we come to the real issue here...
ryo1: YES! I'm in love, she's magnificent, pi-chan! you gotta go back where you found her and ask her to come back, make her give you her address, her digits, anything!
pi (scared): me? again? and with aniki here?
ryo1: just go now, jun is busy wallowing in his anger, he won't notice a thing missing!
ryo2 (sarcastic): yeah... he won't notice his youngest brother is nowhere to be found...
ryo1: just go!
pi: all right! just don't yell at me!

And as Pi once again goes out of the hotel unnoticed, Hana and the band go back to the street they were before, they're all laughing hysterically because of the "very rock and roll" way they left the hotel and just then they notice Hana is lacking behind, as they all turn around they see... Hana still with her mask on, missing a shoe, all disheveled.
She's thinking "I lost my prince, I can't believe it! I saw him! how am I gonna find him again!".
The band just go to her and accompany her to the van, they know Hana is weird but wonderful, if she's feeling down, she probably has her reasons and will talk about it in her own time, they, on the the other hand, are happy, even though they had to leave their equipment, the gig's pay will be sufficient for them to buy new stuff, they needed it anyway. As they get the van turned on and and start to pull out, Pi gets there and watches them leave, he quickly calls a passing taxi and tells the driver in english to follow that van!, the taxi driver happened to be a currently unemployed english teacher so he understood Pi perfectly.
Both cars begin a cat and mouse chase, culminating in a very bohemian ghetto, where Hana and her band live, all the way across town. Because of traffic and some very bad roads, time passes and now is almost midnight. Pi sees Hana go inside a building and follows her, Hana's landlady sees Pi go after Hana and thinks to herself "that girl! always making trouble! who's that young foreigner guy after her? I better call the police".
Hana meanwhile is opening her door, when Pi pokes her from behind.
pi: surprise!
hana (scared out of her mind): Kyaaaa! Oh my god! pi-chan! you scared the bejeezus outta me! don't do that!... pi-chan? what are you doing here?
pi (smiling): I was ordered to follow you.
hana: get inside now. Do you know how dangerous it is for you to be wandering around the streets at this hour? this isn't japan you know, bad things happen to people here at night!
pi: but you were out.
hana: I live here, there's a difference.
pi: ok ok
hana: now explain to me, you were ordered...?
pi: ryo1-chan is in love with you and wanted to know more about you *pi looks around, poking here and there, as if it was his home*
hana: hahaha! good one!... but more importantly... let me ask you something... that guy that was there... with the flowers... who was he?
pi (holding up and hugging a stuffed turtle): flowers?... it was probably aniki.
hana: aniki? your older brother?
pi: yeeeeeess.
hana: what's his name? what does he do?
pi: his name is Jun-kun, he's a business man, that's why we're all here, he has to do some very important business transactions or something and since it's supossed to take long and we couldn't be left alone in japan he brought us all here.
hana: alone? don't you have a mum and dad?
pi: they died in an accident, aniki has taken care of us since then.
hana: but he can't be THAT much older... can he?
pi: nop, just a couple of years.

Back at the hotel, Jun is feeling really bad for having yelled at his brothers, it's late at night and he decides to go check on them, Ryo1 and Ryo2 are both wide awake, worrying about Pi, who hasn't returned. They hear the door open and pretend to be sleeping, Jun goes in not turning on the lights and sits in Ryo1's bed, very gently he covers him up and whispers:
jun: I'm sorry.
Ryo2 sneezes, and Jun gets up, realizing there's a body missing, he turns on the lights and sees there's no Pi in the room! Both Ryos get up, watching Jun with fear and remorse.
jun: speak.
ryo2: pi-chan is...
ryo1: ... was feeling bad and decided to go out for a walk.
jun: a walk? at this hour? in BA?
ryo2 (regretting going along with the lie): yeeeees...
jun: and he's not back. I'm calling the police *he goes out and calls the authorities, and the embassy*
ryo2: you're unbelievable.
ryo1: he might as well call the police, pi-chan IS missing by now.

Police headquarters, everyone is working on the case, they get a call from a woman in the bad side of town claiming to have seen a young asian guy being kept in a room by one of her tenants. The police suspect the worst. They call Jun and inform him that even though his brother was kidnapped they found a lead and are on the way to check it out. Jun panics at the word kidnapped. Hana's building gets surrounded by the police, they go in, swat-teams spread all over, force their way inside Hana's place, and arrest her. Pi can't explain himself since he doesn't know spanish, and the police don't know japanese, Hana is thrown in jail. The police inform Jun, who is now hanging on the phone alongside everyone else and they all get ready to go to the police station. At the police station, a worried Jun fiercely hugs Pi.
jun: are you all right?
pi: I'm fine, I wasn't kidnapped.
jun: what?
pi: it's a misunderstanding.
jun: explain yourself.
pi: I went after this girl... it took me forever to get there... anyway, you gotta get her out of jail, she's innocent!
jun (relieved that's all it was, but angry at pi's carelessness): one of this days... I'm sure to die of a heart attack because of my brothers...
Jun goes to talk with the police, and clears everything up. They get Hana out of her cel, and as she goes out she sees everyone, including her prince, but her anger cannot be restrained.
hana: you! how dare you! I am an innocent law-abiding citizen! just because I'm poor doesn't mean I'm a bad person! what on earth is your opinion on us! don't look down on poor people!
jun: I... I'm sorr... well, what were you doing inviting strangers inside your house anyway? huh?
hana: what?! you dare criticize me? I actually HELPED your brother by giving him shelter! and this is the thanks I get?!
shun (to jun): she's right. you should apologize to her jun, really.
jun: apologize? I've got nothing to apologize for.
hana (livid): oh!!! your majesty has nothing to apologize for, eh? I'd like to see you say that to my lawyers! in court! that's right mister! I'm gonna sue your ass off!
jun: m... my ass? you... you're very rude!
hana: Oh My God! I can't believe you!
shun: calm down, calm down, I have the perfect solution for this situation, no one is suing anyone. Jun: you are going to apologize to the lady right now.
jun: I'm sorry.
shun: and now, miss, pi tells me your name is hana-san right? *she nods* well, I have a job offering for you, you said you're lacking in the monetary department, my best friend Matsumoto Jun here is very rich and in desperate need for a nanny for his brothers, you seem like a decent, intelligent girl, but above all, your japanese is perfect. A match made in heaven. What do you say? yey or ney?
hana (not sure): I... don't know.
ryo1: I say yes!
ryo2: me too.
pi: definitely yes!
delfi: I abstain, it's a family matter.
shun: It's my idea so I also agree. Jun?
jun (to hana): I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble, please consider this job as a peace offering, I'll reward you handsomely.
hana: In that case. I accept.

Thus everyone is happy, except Delfi, of course, what girlfriend would be? to see a beautiful girl getting so much love from this family in just one day? they all treat her like a stranger, but not this girl, and on top of that... Jun apologized? he never does that! only occasionally, to his brothers, maybe to Shun, and that's it! what the hell is going on?!

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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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Join date : 2008-08-12
Location : Venezuela!

Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet hana of mine. [completed]   Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 9:48 am


A month has gone by, Jun and Shun still have some business matters to settle, and Hana has literally "established" herself in the hotel as the Matsumoto's official PR representative, or nanny, whichever way one wants to see it, the hotel staff consider her a God-send as she's the only one those wild boys seem to actually listen to. Some maids have even noticed one of the twins pining after Hana like a love-sick puppy. But not all is fluffy clouds and rainbows with the japanese party, Hana and Jun bicker everyday and they always end up looking like an old married couple! Inside his hotel room, they start a new fight:
hana (shouting): ... if you don't give them freedom to decide for themselves, how are they going to learn to be responsible? You gotta be a better parent figure! I realize it's been difficult for you but...
jun: (shouting): what? what could you possibly know about being a good parent? and you don't know how "difficult" it's been for me, don't try to make nice now, I know your true colors missy...
hana (getting closer to him): my true colors? what does that mean? you mean how incredibly nice and fun and loving I've been with your brothers? is that it?
jun (getting closer to her): loving? you're spoiling them rotten! they need discipline! I've been giving them a strong moral base!
hana (too close to him): they need love! and you... you... you... I've seen how you treat your girlfriend, are you capable of love? you're ice cold jun! you're... a... a freezer!
jun (too close to her): a... freezer? I am very capable of loving passionately!
hana (her face all red and flustered): oh...yeah?
jun (his face all red and flustered): yes.
They are so close, looking in each other's eyes, that their faces almost touch...
Suddenly, the door opens and Shun comes in.
shun: eh? am I interrupting something?
hana (like a deer caught in the head-lights): ah! ahem! no... nothing, I was leaving.
jun (embarrassed): right! right... she was... leaving.
As Hana goes out the room, her heart is in such a flutter that she doesn't see Delfi, who just witnessed what Shun saw, and in her face, murder can be read. Now, Shun and Jun are alone in the room, so they can have a little heart to heart conversation without being interrupted.
shun (smiling): so?
jun (looking the other way): so what?
shun: what was that?
jun: nothing... she... she... she called me a freezer, can you believe it?
shun (smiling): yes I can, she's a very outspoken girl.
jun: but... a freezer? she says I don't give my brothers enough love... that I don't give my girlfriend enough love...
shun: well, with delfi... it's logical, you're not in love with her.
jun: but...
shun: but nothing, you just got with her cause it was convenient for you at the time, you needed a female shoulder to support you when your parents died in that accident and that's that.
jun (sighing): I know you're right... but... a freezer? see.. I AM capable of love! and I have the shoe to prove it!
shun: the shoe?
jun: yes *he goes to his things and picks up the silver sneaker* This is my proof! This shoe... belongs to her.
shun: to hana-chan?
jun: no, to the girl, the one that was at the party? the singer? you remember her? she was wearing a mask... but I know in my heart, she's the one for me. Her voice is settled inside me like a warm, calming wave of love.
shun: wow! I have never heard you speak like that before! ever! this is great!
jun: how is it great?
shun: now you can dump delfi! nobody likes her anyway! I know I can't stand her... and your brothers despise her.
jun (thinks about it): mmmmm... yeah, I hadn't thought of that... but I don't hate delfi, I like her, she's just... not the one... but...
shun: there you go again, you're too nice with her jun. Admit you're in love with ha..the sneaker girl, go and find her, and dump delfi. We don't have much time left here in Argentina anyway, and you gotta find the sneaker girl.
jun: you're right. *hugs shun* my best friend, you're right, thank you. That's what I'm gonna do.

While Jun goes out to find Delfi and dump her ass, Hana and the boys are gathered in their room, they are all excited and talking merrily.
ryo2: see, in Japan, there's this company called Johnny Entertainment, they sort of recruit young boys and guys and train them in the performing arts so they can later be "presented" as bands, or singers, and they also act, and dance, and host shows, it's excellent.
pi: yeah, so our plan for when we go back is to enter JE and become a band of brothers!
ryo1: we'll audition, and they're bound to accept us! we're good looking and much more talented than some of the guys that are already in the company!
pi (with blurry eyes): hana-chan... hana-chan... teach us how to sing... pretty please? with sugar on top?
hana (laughing): I'll sing for you, but you gotta know that you're not going to "learn how to sing" just by hearing! You gotta practice!
all: yes!
And so Hana grabs a guitar that was laying around, sits herself in a corner of the room, and starts to sing the sweetest song ever. Meanwhile Jun, still looking for Delfi, passes by and decides to go in to check on his brothers, when he hears what he's been longing for the most this past month: The voice of his true love! the sneaker girl!
He, again, goes in a trance, and slowly walks in, and sees... Hana! It's Hana! yes! the love of his Life is Hana! somehow, he knew it, but he didn't want to accept it, not without being sure, but here was the proof right in front of his eyes! It's Hana! Fate is smiling upon him like it never did before! He, excitedly, leans on a wall to hear the rest of the song, and decides to tell Hana how much he loves her, right then and there, it doesn't matter that his brothers are there, better yet, they'll be witnesses, and they'll be happy for him, he knows it.
As Hana finishes, she smiles and notices that Jun was hearing her, the love inside her is reflected in her face.
Ryo1, who was sitting between Hana and Jun, sees her, and mistakenly thinking that look was meant for him he gets up and shouts:
ryo1: Hana-chan! I love you! please be my girlfriend!
He then rings the phone, and suddenly many hotel bell-buttons come inside the room, each carrying huge bouquets of yellow flowers, One thousand yellow flowers, all for Hana. The shock on her face is nothing compared to how Jun felt.

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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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Join date : 2008-08-12
Location : Venezuela!

Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet hana of mine. [completed]   Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 9:48 am

Part 1.

It's a new day at the hotel and everything the staff, and a few guests, can talk about is the big, romantic declaration of love Ryo1 did yesterday. Some saw it coming, others were in shock, specially Hana, but no one seems to be, or can be, impartial, everyone has an opinion, the elevator guy says it can't work out, how is a bohemian poor girl trying to make it as an artist in Argentina going to pair up with a spoiled rich japanese brat who seems to have no sense of responsibility? but one of the cleaning ladies contradicts him saying that that's exactly the point, because both are free souls, they understand each other, regardless of the cultural differences. The hotel manager, however, stops the argument dead on its tracks. He thinks if there was love, real love, between them, it could work out, but there's none, because she's not in love with him. Everyone is in awe of the hotel manager. Who knew he'd be so perceptive?.
Hana is at her place this morning, she couldn't bring herself to face Ryo1, much less her freezer prince. She feels a little guilty for neglecting Ryo2 and Pi, but what can she do? She never in a million years would have guessed what Ryo1 was feeling for her... but can he be for real? she heard the boys talking once about Ryo1's many love crushes, he seems to find it quite easy, this falling in love thing, exactly the opposite of his older brother, whom they think has never fallen in love in his life. If only she could put the overflowing passion of one brother inside the other brother... it would be perfect then... but that's impossible. She, definitely, doesn't know what to do.
Jun couldn't sleep at all. All the stupid plans he made for himself were out the window. He knew about Ryo1's many love exploits, hell, he even had to clean up the mess his brother left in some cases without Ryo1 knowing about it, but Ryo1 was never serious, not like this, Jun knew his brother, this time, was serious. And he can't back stab his own, not even if it means putting his own personal happiness to a dead halt, forever. Damnit. Life was too cruel to Jun.
Delfi comes inside Jun's room and sits besides him on the bed.
delfi: what's wrong jun-dear?
........ she gets no response.
delfi: Jun. jun-dear. JUN!!!!
jun: what.
delfi: god! you can be really rude sometimes, why weren't you answering me?
jun: ... I have a lot on my mind.
delfi: well, does it have to do with me? Shun told me you needed to speak with me about something important yesterday?
jun: ... yesterday... yes... but it's not important now. Everything is fine. Don't worry.
delfi: I won't then. *but inside she is, very much worried*
jun: delfi, could you do me favor? go gather everyone, I have an announcement to make.
delfi: sure baby. (and she thinks: what am I now? his servant?, as she rolls her eyes just after she heads for the door and Jun can't see her)
Jun, Delfi, Shun, Ryo1, Ryo2, and Pi are all gathered in one big room, everyone is curious to hear what Jun has to say. Right when he gets up to speak, Hana comes in. Everyone turns around to see her and she gets red with self consciousness, Ryo1 is about to go to her when Jun speaks.
jun: oh, you're here, good, this news concerns you too. Please have a seat. *Hana sits quietly*
shun (very serious): go ahead jun.
jun: I wanted to inform you all that as of today, all business transactions are finished and done successfully. We will be going back to Japan in two days.
Shock ran rampant in the room. Even though they knew this day would come, Ryo2 and Pi felt like they had a second home in Argentina. Shun figured as much, he knew his best friend too well and understood him perfectly. Delfi was beyond herself with happiness. and Ryo1, well, he had to speak his mind:
ryo1: what? are you kidding me? you say this now?
jun: it's how it is.
ryo1: but I have just found my other half!! you can't do this to me!
jun: I'm not doing anything to you, it's how things are.
ryo1 (going over to hana): hana, my love, I will not let him separate us, I swear.
jun (a little red with jealousy): leave her alone. Hana, you might want to start looking fo a new job.
hana: yes.
ryo1: don't let him speak to you like that! *he grabs her arms*
hana: stop it ryo! *he looks at her in shock* we need to talk, in private, come with me.
And they leave a stunned group of people behind to go to another room and talk, uninterrupted.
ryo1: hana, I swear, I will not let anything separate me from you, I...
hana: you presumptuous, selfish, clueless little boy.
ryo1 (feeling like he's been hit by a sledgehammer): what?
hana: you assume I said yes, yesterday, I haven't given you my answer.
ryo1: I... I'm sorry... I didn't think...
hana: exactly, you don't think, you just do whatever you feel like, without thinking about the consequences, about what you do to other people, to your family. Let's begin with your brothers, you always peer-pressure Ryo2 into doing whatever you want, you've never asked him what he wants, have you? you're twins, he knows you like the palm of his hand, yet you know nothing about him, do you?
*Ryo1 looks at her... and can only agree, deep down inside... he knows she's right*
hana: and what about Pi? you've put him in real danger many times since you got here. REAL DANGER. you're lucky nothing serious has ever happened to him. And he follows you, he follows you're example like a fangirl follows her Idol, what do you think is going to become of his life? just look at yours!
You think up some half-assed plan of becoming a boy-band, like it's going to actually happen just because you want it to? reality check Ryo! it takes work! it takes real sweat, tears and blood to make it as an artist! a real performer has to have talent, and work every friking day of his life to top himself, otherwise no one will take him seriously!
And let me talk now about your older brother. *she pauses, tears begin to form in her eyes, Ryo1 notices*
hana: he... he's two years older than you, already head of a family, he has to work his butt off for you lot, he didn't even had time to mourn his parents, because if you can't remember it let me remind you: He lost his parents too! it wasn't just you! and you all treat him like he's the bad guy? what kind of respect is that? do you even care about him? always talking shit about him behind his back, don't think for a second he doesn't know about it, he knows, and it breaks his heart, but he's still here, dealing, because that's what a real man does. He will never leave his family behind. He loves you too much. He just wants you all to be happy. Life has been hard for him, and he doesn't know how to express himself, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel. He feels.
*Ryo1 has realized now how things are... she's in love with him... and there's nothing he can do about it*
hana: Ryo... I can't be with you. I'm not in love with you. Don't plan your life around me. I care for you... as a brother.
ryo1 (also in tears): I... understand.
In a matter of minutes, life has given Ryo1 the biggest most important lesson of his life, and he's passed it with flying colors. He knows that Hana, the first girl he's been in love with, for real, doesn't correspond him, she's in love with someone else, with his brother, and he's accepted it, his feeling of sadness is overpowering, but he's happy, because for the first time in his life, he knows what to do, and he knows he can do it. If Jun can return Hana's feelings, as he's been suspecting all this time, then they can both be happy, together, and so, he himself will be happy. Because he owes Jun, he owes him all the sacrifices he's done for the boys, for him. Jun deserves to be happy. And he loves his aniki more than anything in this world.
A few hours have passed since the big news was announced. Delfi is back in her room, packing her stuff and singing to herself. Ryo2 and Pi are both feeling depressed, but also preparing to go back. Ryo1, wanting to be left alone for a while, is at the hotel's lounge, drinking fruit juice.
Jun and Shun are talking outside, in a cute little park, property of the hotel.
shun: so we're going back, and you're going to let things be like they are now.
jun: what else can I do.
shun: yes... but!
jun: eh?
shun: there's still the matter of delfi... you still gotta dump her.
jun: oh! well... yes, I'd forgotten.
shun: oh well yes? you gotta do it man! it's not fair to you, or to her, to continue with the relationship!
jun: I know... it's just... hard for me... I owe her so much.
shun: but a relationship is not about who owes who, it's about love, and there's none when it comes to you and her.
jun: I... *and just then and there, he sees Hana, walking straight to him* I... I...
shun: you... what? *he follows Jun's stare and also sees Hana* Oh!...
Hana comes up to them, with a determined look on her face, which makes her look funny, so Shun can't help but laugh a little. He gets up and says:
shun: I have some personal things to attend to... I'll leave you alone. *and he goes*

hana: I've come to inform you... that I'm not Ryo1's girlfriend and I never will be, so you don't need to worry about him.
jun (excited and failing miserably in trying to hide it): really? that's... good.
hana (self conscious): I... also... wanted you to know... that even though... you probably won't believe me... I'm really going to miss you when you're gone... I'll miss our fights... and... well...
jun (overflowing with love): you won't.
hana (all redness): I will! I will! you don't know how much... I...
jun: I love you?
hana: I love you! *her heart skips a beat*
jun: I love you too. With all my heart. More than I ever thought I could. So you won't miss me. Because I'll never let you out of my sight again. Ever.
And as the wind blows a soft breeze on them and a few leaves start to fall, Jun lovingly embraces Hana, a kiss more sweet there never was. Not even in fairy tales.

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The Queen's Attendant
The Queen's Attendant

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Join date : 2008-08-12
Location : Venezuela!

Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet hana of mine. [completed]   Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 9:49 am

Part 2. Final.

Jun is waiting for Delfi in her room, nothing can stop him now. But he's still feeling a little remorse. Remembering the taste of hana's lips, he gets a little clumsy and bumps a table near him, making a vase fall, he starts to pick up the mess and goes to the bathroom to clean himself when Delfi comes in the room, talking on her cellphone.
delfi: ...I know mother! you don't have to tell me twice! jeez! everything is fine on this end, we're going back in two days so you better have all the paperwork ready.... I can't believe it's going to happen so soon! I'm so excited! That idiot won't know what hit him and his bratty brothers! Hahahahaha!... you know, I thought that ugly little thing of a girl would be a real problem, but she turned out to be such a loser, she's probably right now making sweet love to ryo1 or whatever it is the "good people" of this world do when they're together... So at the end I didn't have to do anything to her, I really thought she was after Jun... and as it turned out, everything is resolved better than I expected, we'll be rolling in Jun's money by this time next week! Hahahahahahaaa.....a..arg...
*Delfi sees Jun looking at her inside the bathroom*
delfi:...a...I gotta go. *she hangs up* Jun-dear! you're...
jun: save your poisonous saliva, just finish packing your bags and leave.
And as he goes out, disgusted with Delfi and himself for believing her lies, she, seeing her plans all coming to an end so abruptly, decides to go out with a bang and makes one final phone call... to Hana.
delfi: hello! Hana-dear! I'm so glad I finally got you! listen... the boys wanted me to keep quiet, but I just can't! see... they wanted me to tell you a lie so you'd go with me to this place they rented... but as it turns out I still have a lot of packing to do so... I'm just going to tell you... They've prepared a "so long farewell" party for you, the little dears, so you better not disappoint them and go! the address is... *and she proceeds to tell Hana the address of an abandoned warehouse*... be sure to go! you will? great! see you there! bye! *she hangs up, and evil smile in her face*

Just as Hana goes out, Jun comes in, looking for her. But they miss each other. Half an hour later, Hana is inside the warehouse, clueless about what's going on.
hana: hello? how weird... there's no one here... hello?
A loud noise scares her.
hana: what was that?... hay alguien ahi? [translation: " is someone there?"]
Smoke starts to cloud the air inside. The fire is spreading everywhere.
hana: oh my god!
The fire is quickly uncontrollable, debris fall all around Hana, and she's engulfed in flames. In a panic, she searches for her cellphone, but the damned thing apparently has no signal.
hana (crying): oh god, oh god, please work, please, please...
She sends an msm, hoping it will reach its destiny.

Jun is worried. He hasn't been able to find Hana, she wasn't waiting for him in the room, and no one has seen her. He's been feeling a kind of "impending doom" sort of feeling inside him, and he doesn't know what to do with it.
Meanwhile, Shun and the boys, coming inside the room where Jun is, are celebrating the much anticipated departure of Delfi...
ryo2: good riddance!
pi: yes! finally I can sleep at night without fear of getting my blood sucked!
ryo1: or waking up to everyone magically turned into frogs!
shun (looking at jun): is everything fine jun?
jun: I... don't know... *his cellphone beeps*
He picks it up and reads and msm... he turns pale. A deadly silence takes over everyone in the room.
jun: Hana is in danger, I gotta go, call the fire department, the police, and an ambulance, tell them to go to this address *he gives his cell to shun and runs out*

At the warehouse. Jun gets there, the authorities as well, but he can't wait, so he pours water all over his body, soaking himself, and a blanket, and runs inside the place. He's too fast and no one could stop him. Desperation and adrenaline can make a man do reckless things. He's inside, searching, and shouting, but no one responds, he sees a bulge on the floor. it's Hana. She passed out. He covers her with the wet blanket picking her up. And dodging the flames he gets her out.
Everyone outside watch the miracle of Jun and Hana walking out, alive.
The firefighters arrive and start to put out the fire. The ambulance also gets there, along side two taxis with Shun, the Ryos and Pi.
At a safe distance from the burning building, Jun puts Hana on the floor, unconscious, and tries to wake her up.
jun (crying, but talking calmly): hana, baby, wake up. Wake up, can you hear me? love, wake up, hear my voice, come back to me, don't leave.
He lays her down and starts CPR on her chest.
One mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi.
He pulls her head back a little and blows air through her mouth.
One mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi.
Again he blows air inside her body.
A cough.
Another cough.
She's coming back.
jun (still crying): Hana! hana! *he holds her while caressing her face* do you hear me?
hana (very low): I... heard... you... calling me...
jun: thank you god! thank you!

It's the final day of the japanese party's stay at the hotel. They will be missed by everyone. Maids cry in corners, while the rest of the staff say their goodbyes.
The bell-buttons are busy arranging the luggage inside the vans, while the hotel manager sees everyone off.
jun: thank you so much, for everything, I'm sorry we were so troublesome.
manager: not at all. It's been our pleasure, please come back anytime, we'll be waiting for you with open arms.
shun (smiling): good bye. *he bows, the manager shakes his hand*
ryo1: bye sweets maids! I'll never forget you! *the maids burst into more crying*
ryo2 (sarcastically): really... *but he waves goodbye too and the maids cry even more*
pi: hurry up or we'll be late!
hana: coming!
Hana grabs a huge handbag and goes next to Pi, who hugs her as they both laugh like little children.
She sits inside the van, next to Jun, who puts his arm around her, they look into each other's eyes and without saying a word, they know they can't wait to start their new life, together, as husband and wife.

The van pulls out, leading the happy family into new horizons, new beginings, new loves, new adventures.

The End.


Boy! this turned out longer than I expected! But I like how things ended. Everyone happy, and delfi is still on the loose! Mwahahahahaha!

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Sweet hana of mine. [completed] Empty
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