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 Arashi Astrology [repost]

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The Queen of LSS
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PostSubject: Arashi Astrology [repost]   Arashi Astrology [repost] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 12:27 pm

ORIGINAL POST FROM: zin (former member)

astro-analysis for nino

Arashi Astrology [repost] Nino

birth date: june 17, 1983
sun sign: gemini
moon sign: virgo
mercury sign: gemini
venus sign: leo
mars sign: gemini

smart and friendly
nino is a typical gemini because his sun sign, mercury sign and mars sign are also gemini. these made him thinks quickly, moves quickly, speaks quickly and very clever.
we always know that nino is a smart guy. when he played the game in "shukudai-kun", "TFP" or another variety shows, he always can provide the correct answer. and this guy seems like can do everything: he is good in acting, he can do the song writing, he can play piano and he even taught himself of guitar playing. only an extremely intelligent guy can do that. how can he be so smart? it's because his gemini sun sign made him to be a natural born wise man. and his gemini mercury sign made him to be a quick learner.
and his gemini mars sign made him to be so witty, he enjoys using his quick mind to debate and argue with others in a spirit of friendly disagreement. no wonder why we always see him teasing his bandmates and he even dares to make fun with his senpai ne.

keep some distance
just like the other geminis, nino is always cheery, friendly and funny. these characters let him to befriend with everybody. besides of his arashi bandmate, he also has good relationship with oguri shun, kokubun taichi, yokoyama yu, takahashi katsumi....... and when everytime he made a drama or movie, he always can conquer his costars. and making them to be the newbies on his super long friends' list. no one can resist of gemini's charm.
but as jun said before, nino seems like so easy to get along with. but when u really get close to him, he could push u away. why he keeps on doing this? because gemini is so rational, he's friendly but he also doesn't want to get too close to other people. keeping some distance from other people is the way of protecting himself. moreover, his virgo moon sign made him to be more insecure. so he doesn't feel comfortable when he is getting too close with some strangers.

money lover
nino is also famous of his hobby: money saving and making his friends to pay the bill. actually, gemini is alway good at making money. according to the richest british ranking, lots of billionaires are geminis. what made them to be so good at money making? it's because geminis are just too clever, they can think of thousands of ways to earn money. besides of this, geminis have lots of friends. and most of his friends can help them to earn or save some more money, their loyal friends will introduce them to meet people who can bring them a successful career, or pay the bills or taxi fee for them.
nino's virgo moon sign also made him good at saving money. virgo moon guy is so insecured, therefore he can't help keep on saving. big fortune always can give him more security. and virgo moon sign made him to be very calculating, it also can help him on making money.

his dream gal
although we don't know does nino have a girlfriend, and what kind of gals can attract him most, we still can guess that he would fall for the extremely beautiful and glamorous gal. it's because he's got a leo venus sign. as a leo venus guy, nino is so easy to fall for the kind of gals who are very attractive and can make him feel proud of her. nino's favorite actress: takeuchi yuko obviously is this kind of woman, she's so beautiful and deadly attractive.
as a gemini, nino would also love the clever kind of gal. if the gal is stupid, he would never have interest on her. he only can be mentally and emotionally linked with the smart and charming gal. therefore, we can expect that the future mrs. ninomiya would be a beauty queen with a brain.
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The Queen of LSS
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PostSubject: Re: Arashi Astrology [repost]   Arashi Astrology [repost] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 12:28 pm

ORIGINAL POST FROM: zin (former member)

minna san, thanks for the supporting. and here's the sho's astro-analysis u're waiting for.

astro analysis for sho

Arashi Astrology [repost] Sho

birthdate: january 25, 1982
sun sign: aquarius
moon sign: aquarius
mercury sign: aquarius
venus sign: capricorn
mars sign: libra

rebellious genius
since his sun sign, moon sign and mercury sign are also in aquarius, sho is an extremely clever and talented young man. he holds a bachelor's degree at keio university (one of the best universities in japan). he can speak japanese and english fluently. he can rap and he even can perform some magic (he did it several times to please the elderly in "mago mago arashi"). because of his wisdom and talent, lots of his kohais admire him. even jun adored sho when he was young.
besides of his genius side, the aquarius signs also made sho to be a studious guy. he loves to lurk on the interest to search some new information, his favorite tv channel is discovery channel. his favorite magazine is newsweek. he reads lots of newspapers everyday. and he must read a good book every night, otherwise he can't steep well. as an aquarian, sho always loves to absorb different kind of informations and knowledge. because aquarian have interest in the whole world and all of the mankind, so he's willing to learn everything. and becasue of the concept of loving the mankind and care about of the world we're living in, i'm not surprised that sho is the first and the only news anchor among johnny's artists.
talking about as the first news anchor, sho always be the first one to do the new things: he's the first one who do the rap song among johnny's artists, he's the first arashi who held the solo concert. as an aquarian, he's always the pioneer. he dares to do the things that not so many people dare to do.
and his aquarius side also made him to be quite rebellious. sho's father is a government official, and his mother is a professor as well as an heiress to a huge company. growing in a family of scholars and professionals, and as the firstborn in his family, his parents obviously have a great expectation on him. so when he joined the johnny's, his parents were not so happy. even the people in their social circle looked down on the entire sakurai family, because their son choose to be an artist, the occupation that the rich people think kind of low. but the rebellious sho just didn't give up, and he eventually prove that he's right and get the respect from the people who used to look down on him.

reliable companion
as an aquarian and a libra mars guy, co-operate and befriend with people is very important to sho.
jun said that sho plays the role of mother in the group, because he always takes care of his bandmates. and aiba also said that sho is the one who unite the arashi's members. u can see that even he isn't the leader of arashi, but he's kind of the spiritual leader in the group.
how can he be the one who unite arashi? it's because he is so attentive and generous to his bandmates. for example, he volunteered to be jun's tutor when jun was in high school. he is the first member who went to see ohno's "free style" exhibition to support their leader. when arashi filmed the mv of "love so sweet", jun, ohno and aiba had to be lift up for a whole day. sho didn't need to be lift up, but he still can felt the pain that his bandmates suffering and said that," it's so hard to be an artist sometimes."
as a companion, sho is always helpful, supportive and reliable. it's really lucky to be his friends or his teammates.

conservative lover
although sho is a typical aquarian, and aquarian is always open and unconventional. but when it comes to love, sho is kind of conservative because of his capricorn venus sign. talking about his ideal girl, sho said that she must be sweet, simple, smart-dressed (not to wear anything too sexy), non-smoking, non-celebrity girl with brain and an independent mind of her own. according to the non-smoking , non-celebrity and smart-dressed thing, u can see that sho is quite conservative as a lover. anyway, he's still an aquarian after all. so he wants his gal to have an independent mind of her own. that's mean he doesn't let his gal to wear the sexy outfit, but he still respects that she can have her own thoughts.
and as a capricorn venus guy, sho could maintain an eteranl love affair. when he talked about the marriage thing, he said that marriage is about two people having mutual understanding, considering and compromise. u can see that he's really a muture man and could be a perfect husband as well.
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The Queen of LSS
The Queen of LSS

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PostSubject: Re: Arashi Astrology [repost]   Arashi Astrology [repost] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 12:29 pm

ORIGINAL POST FROM: zin (former member)

astro-analysis for aiba

Arashi Astrology [repost] Aiba

birthdate: december 24, 1982
sun sign: capricorn
moon sign: aries
mercury sign: capricorn
venus sign: capricorn
mars sign: aquarius

cutest kid
when we talk about aiba-chan, most of the people will describe him as "cute"', "funny", "playful" and sometimes "baka". with an aries moon sign, aiba could always look like an innocence child (he still slept with a soft toy when he was 19). he is childlike, implusive and high spirited. that's why he will suddenly speaks something very funny and kind of foolish. but that is the most adorable thing about aiba. this makes his bandmates , his senpais , shimura ken (the senpai who works with aiba in"shimura zoo") and all of his fans love him so much.
as an aries moon guy, this cutest kid can be so self-confident sometimes. for example, all of us know that he's kind of word-bound when he speaks english. but aiba-chan still declares he's fluent in english. he's not lying actually, he just has too much confidence on himself. and when he was guested on the valentine's SP of "utaban" with his bandmates, their nakai senpai (one of the host) asked them who is the most popular guy in arashi. sho and nino said the most popular guy must be jun, but aiba said, " i'm very popular actually." i think aiba wasn't kidding at that time, he really believed that he's popular. and he's probably right, because lots of gals are attracted by aiba's easy-going and humorous personality.
and his aries moon sign give him lots of passion, so aiba-chan can always have the high tension and be friendly to everyone. the aries moon also made him to be a natural born athlete. he loves sports , played baseball during elementary school, basketball during high school and started to play golf because of the influence of shimura san. he's also the fastest runner among arashi members.

sentimental guy
but deep down inside, aiba is still the sentimental guy who is influenced by his capricorn sun sign, mercury sign and venus sign. when he watched the movie " i am Sam", he left the cinema in the halfway because the story was too tragic. even sho said aiba's the emotional type.
in the ntv's 24hrs charity program, aiba read his letter of gratitude towards arashi, how he appreciated his bandmates when they helped him during he was suffering from pneumothorax. he just couldn't help crying when he read the letter. and because of his letter is so touching, all of his bandmates were moved to tears. after witnessing this touching moment, u would know that aiba isn't just a simple happy guy. he also has the spiritual and sentimental side.
although the aries moon sign made him to be quite implusive, but his capricorn side also made him to be a careful and safety guy. when jun was interviewed by kokubun taichi on shounen club premium, they did talk about aiba. and taichi senpai said that aiba seems like an antelope, because he would caution about the environment all the time.

mature man in love
with the capricorn venus, aiba is serious about the romantic relationship.
according to the interview in "popolo", he said meeting the love of his life would be really amazing. when he talked about confession to the love one, he said he's coming to the age of planning about marriage thing, therefore confession is very important. and when he talked about marriage, he said he want to grow old with his wife and have children with her. he would love to bring them to travel and wanna have lots of happy memories with his families. i think only the guy who is serious about love would say something like that. he will cherish his gal and love her forever indeed.
as a capricorn venus guy, aiba would be easy to fall for the clever and ambitious kind of gal. and with the aquarius mars sign, he would fall for the socialable and talkative kind of gal. according to his latest interview in "non-no", he did say that he wants his girlfriend can talk about anything. so we can expect that the future mrs. aiba would be a talkative career woman.
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The Queen of LSS
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PostSubject: Re: Arashi Astrology [repost]   Arashi Astrology [repost] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 12:29 pm

ORIGINAL POST FROM: zin (former member)

astro-analysis for ohno

Arashi Astrology [repost] Ohno

birthdate: november 26, 1980
sun sign: sagittarius
moon sign: cancer
mercury sign: scorpio
venus sign: scorpio
mars sign: capricorn

cheerful leader:
although the arashi boys always say that ohno doesn't act like a leader, they also admit that he's really important to them. in my point of view, ohno really have done his job of being leader by always cheer up the members. when watching the arashi's shows, like "shukudai-kun", "mago mago arashi" or "d no arashi" etc, u can see that ohno always speaks or do some funny things and makes all the members laugh. as a sagittarian, ohno is basically a fun-loving guy. he's always cheerful, that's why all of the arashi boys love to be get close to him.
because of his cancer moon sign, ohno is very gentle either. jun said that ohno doesn't talk much, but he always notices what happen to the members. aiba said that ohno is a great guy who always cares about the members. sho said that ohno is their protecter. therefore, i think that he is a perfect leader of arashi. his cancer moon sign also made him to be extremely close to his mom. she's not just his mom, but also his personal manager, his stylist and his friend. because of his great relationship with his mom, ohno becomes more and more tender towards the people around him.

mysterious side:
ohno is a funny guy, but he also has the mysterious side. as jun said, ohno doesn't talk a lot. aiba and nino said that he looks like someone who never tell the members when he's got married. sho even teased that they will know ohno did marry someone when they recieve his divorce report. if u watch their guest appearance on tv shows carefully, u will find out that ohno really didn't talk so much. he seems like wandering in his own wonderland. as a guy who has scorpio mercury sign and venus sign, ohno could be a really complicated and mysterious person. because he's too complicated, it's hard for him to express all the things he's thinking. and his scorpio side made him dislike of exposing himself too much, being low-key made him feel more comfortable. and his scorpio mercury sign and venus sign also gave him "the sixthe sense". yes, ohno really can see dead people. it's pretty scary, but influenced by his scorpio side, he could be quite close to live and death thing all the time.
and nino often teases ohno and decribing him as a lazy old man. but ohno isn't lazy at all. he always cares about his career and his future since he's a teenager. he did think about quitting JE few times because he wanted to concentrate on his art. he even did volunteer to move to kyoto for the opportunity to dance solo. by the influence of his capricorn mars sign, ohno could be quite ambitious of his career. and he begins to hold his art exhibition now, u can see that he wants to develop his career as an artist too. to be an idol and an real artist, we can see ohno's ambition clearly right now.

obsessed lover:
when ohno falls for any kind of interests or hobbies, he would become so obsessed. he falls for fishing lately, so he talks about it all the time. and he even went fishing after work at night. it's pretty crazy, right? sagittarians always are obsessed when they fall for anything, they would keep on doing the things until they lost the interest. and it's quite easy for sagittarians to lost interest on something. but ohno's scorpio venus sign can give him more endurance.
therefore, i think that ohno could be an obsessed lover and can maintain a long-lasting romantic relationship. because his scorpio venus can make him to be the most attentive and infatuated lover. when he loves someone, his love will last forever. he can makes fun with lots of thing, but he'll never make fun with love. love affair and marriage is a big thing to ohno.
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PostSubject: Re: Arashi Astrology [repost]   Arashi Astrology [repost] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 19, 2008 12:19 am

EH???????????????? 4 of 5!...why not Jun kun? ack ack......5-1=0

hihihi....decreasing feelings. :affraid:
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PostSubject: Re: Arashi Astrology [repost]   Arashi Astrology [repost] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 14, 2009 10:36 pm

maybe i am ok 4 Nino... =) going to look through all the members
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